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Articles About Miami Township Board of Trustees :: Page 3

  • Township Trustees approve fire levy

    At its June 27 meeting, the Miami Township Board of Trustees voted to approve a resolution of necessity to move forward with placing a 3.5-mill continuing levy on the November ballot.

  • Miami Township to pursue MTFR levy

    Casey Brewer, who first came to Miami Township Fire-Rescue in 2013 as a member of the Explorer Post for teens, took this photo at a recent training event and shared it on the MTFR Facebook page. Brewer, 19, recently received EMT certification, Chief Colin Altman reported at the Miami Township Trustees’ most recent meeting Monday, July 1. (Submitted photo by Casey Brewer)

    At the Miami Township Trustees’ regular meeting on Monday, June 6, Trustee Chair Chris Mucher said the financial needs of the township’s fire department and emergency medical services have risen significantly in recent years.

  • Candidates file for fall races

    More candidates may be vying for public office this fall than in recent years. Last week, 20 people seeking local office filed petitions with the Greene County Board of Elections ahead of the Aug. 4 deadline.

  • Miami Township Trustees — Public input for pandemic-related funding?

    At both of its July meetings, Miami Township Trustees Chris Mucher and Don Hollister discussed the possible use of nearly $130,000 in federal funds coming to the township through President Biden’s American Rescue Plan, or ARP.

  • Miami Township Trustees— In-person meetings return

    Fifteen months after the pandemic lockdown began, and with it a transition to conducting Miami Township business through online video conference calls, the Township Trustees returned to in-person meetings Monday, June 21.

  • Miami Township Trustees Update — January 2021

    The Miami Township Trustees meet the first and third Monday of each month beginning at 5 p.m. Meetings in January took place Monday, Jan. 4, and Wednesday, Jan. 20.

  • The future of Yellow Springs, now

    A few proposals: Light industrial facilities on the western edge of town. Offices and a new residential neighborhood along Xenia Avenue at the southern end. A “designated outdoor refreshment area” downtown where alcoholic beverages can be consumed on the sidewalks. And a dog park.

  • Ambulance billing rates increase

    The Greene County Miami Township Trustees unanimously approved a resolution Monday, May 4, to raise the billing rates for ambulance services.

  • Miami Township — Ground breaking for new fire station begins

    After months of delays, the official groundbreaking for the new fire station on the south side of town has been set for Sept. 18.

  • New delay for new firehouse

    A recent rendering of the Miami Township Fire-Rescue station by project architects MSA Architects of Cincinnati shows what the new fire station along Xenia Avenue may look like. The project has been delayed because an initial bid to construct it was too high. (Rendering courtesy of MSA Architects)

    With a third round of construction bids again coming in too high, Miami Township Trustees will be returning to the drawing board for another attempt at reducing the projected costs of building a new firehouse on the south side of town.

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