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Articles About North Central Association Higher Learning Commission

  • Antioch College receives accreditation

    Three weeks ago, the class of 2016 cheered each other on during commencement exercises, the second graduation ceremony of the reopened Antioch. The college received word of its accreditation from the Higher learning Commission on Monday, July 11. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Antioch College President Tom Manley got the word around 1 p.m. this past Monday. An email showed up in his inbox from the Higher Learning Commission, or HLC. It contained the biggest of big news.

  • Antioch College receives accreditation

    Three weeks ago, the class of 2016 cheered each other on during commencement exercises, the second graduation ceremony of the reopened Antioch. The college received word of its accreditation from the Higher learning Commission on Monday, July 11. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Antioch College learned on Monday, July 11, that it had received accreditation from the Higher Learning Commission. The college has been working toward accreditation since reopening in 2009.

  • Antioch University receives reaccreditation

    After three years of hard work on a self evaluation, Antioch University received news last week that it is fully reaccredited with the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

  • Antioch College— Accreditation team visits

    Antioch College could clear a major hurdle on the long road to gaining accreditation if a three-day site visit this week by the regional accreditation agency is successful.

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