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Articles About Riding Centre

  • ‘Horse Sense for Challenging Times’ workshop this weekend

    Equine-facilitated learning pioneer Linda Kohanov will lead “The Power Behind Nonviolence: Horse Sense for Challenging Times,” in Yellow Springs this Friday–Sunday, June 28–30.

  • Side saddle Seniors

    Pictured here are, from left, Anna Williamson, Rachel Hammond, Connor Gravely-Novello and Jennifer Lawson, cleaning saddles at the Riding Centre. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    In lieu of a senior trip, the 2015 Yellow Springs High School senior class engaged in a day of service on Friday, April 17.

  • At the Riding Centre, Young equestrians help others

    Every Saturday morning a group of local high school students comes early to the Riding Centre to tack up the horses for the therapeutic riding lessons. They saddle the horses, help mount the riders, and lead the teams of two around the outdoor ring with meditative composure.

  • The Riding Centre celebrates 50 years—Louise Soelberg’s legacy trots on

    At the edge of the Glen next to a recently refurbished barn, the 8- to 10-year-olds tack up their horses. They stand on their toes to brush the horses’ backs, stoop to clean their hooves and then wind up to hoist their bulky saddles up and over in hopes that they’re centered enough to ride. Too small to mount from the ground, the young riders climb on from a set of steps in the outdoor ring and wait for Carolyn to check their stirrups. They sit high up in the air on Whisper, Honeypepper, Salty and Chipper, animals 20 times their size, which they are learning to lead and care for.

    For 50 years the Riding Centre in Yellow Springs has operated for this purpose, to teach people how to be with horses.

  • ‘An evening of mirth and magic’ to benefit Riding Centre

    It’s a profound experience to participate one-on-one in the sleight-of-hand act of a professional magician. You watch intently as he manipulates a set of coins, making them disappear and reappear with seamless precision.

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