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Articles About Yellow Springs Community Children's Center

  • Turner steps into director role at YSCCC

    A Columbus native now living in Springfield, Turner has been part of the staff of the Children’s Center since 2018, and replaces former director Dana Zackey after serving as Zackey’s assistant director since last summer.

  • 2022 In Review | Education & Sports

    This year in education and athletics around Yellow Springs: The Facilities Committee was formed, young thespians staged a number of blockbuster performances, 30 students graduated from Antioch College, The Antioch School celebrated its centennial and more.

  • Zackey settles in at YS Community Children’s Center

    Though she’s only been at the helm of the YS Community Children’s Center for about three weeks, new Director Dana Zackey told the News this week that she’s settling in at the 75-year-old village school and making it feel like home.

  • Director Malissa Doster bids farewell to Children’s Center

    After nearly five years of meeting goals and setting new ones, Doster has stepped down as the director of the center, or YSCCC.

  • COVID closes YS Community Children’s Center again

    The Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center announced Monday, Nov. 8, that it was closing its doors temporarily for the second time in three months due to COVID-19.

  • COVID cases prompt temporary closure at YS Community Children’s Center

    Emotions are frayed among families and staff affiliated with the Yellow Springs Children’s Center, which has closed its doors until Sept. 7 in response to an outbreak of COVID-19 among students and teachers.

  • 2020 Year in Review: Village Schools

    Calendar year 2020 began and ended with Yellow Springs school district leaders discussing identified structural needs in the local school buildings and how to address them, but the majority of the year was occupied by the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • YSCCC now enrolls the ‘littles’

    The Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center now enrolls infants aged six weeks to 17 months. The infant program at the almost 75-year-old local nonprofit opened in November, with four infants so far, including Zsa’Lynn, 10 months, who loves to dance and chew. Looking on is lead teacher Aille Turner, an experienced infant and toddler caregiver. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    Cuteness alert: there are new babies in town. Yellow Springs Community Children’s Center, or YSCCC, now accepts infants aged six weeks to 17 months as part of its recently created infant program, which opened in November.

  • New director at YS Community Children’s Center

    Malissa Doster, the new Executive Director at the Children’s Center. (Submitted photo)

    Malissa Doster is the new executive director of the Yellow Springs Community Children Center.

  • A day for community giving

    After collecting $75,000 in a single day last November, an effort to raise money for local nonprofit groups is returning to the village for a second year this holiday season.

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