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Articles About YS Community Chorus

  • Harlem Renaissance Revisited

    "Harlem Renaissance Revisited," the final performance in this spring's Langston Hughes retrospective, is happening Sunday, May 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Foundry Theater.

    The YS Chamber Orchestra and Community Chorus will present the final concert in this spring’s Langston Hughes retrospective. “Harlem Renaissance Revisited,” a program of music and poetry, will be performed Sunday, May 7, 7:30 p.m., at the Foundry Theater.

  • Chorus filled chapel with sounds of fury, humor, light

    Yellow Springs Community Chorus performed the Carmina Burana on Sunday.

  • Community music steps up

    At a recent rehearsal, James Johnston led the Yellow Springs Community Chorus in “It Is An Illusion You Were Ever Free,” a piece that the chorus will premier with professional piano trio Triple Helix from Wellesley, Mass. on Saturday, Nov. 5. The Yellow Springs Chamber Orchestra will perform two Beethoven pieces with Triple Helix that evening. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Three is the magic number for an upcoming collaborative concert of three ensembles. The local Chamber Orchestra and Community Chorus and a visiting piano trio, appropriately named Triple Helix, will perform three works over an evening.

  • A change of key for the chorus

    Over the past 31 years, the name Ruth Bent has become synonymous with the Yellow Springs Community Chorus. And it was no small concern for Bent, when her eyesight began to fail, that the chorus continue with a strong and dedicated leader.

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