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Articles About budget

  • YS Police Department fully staffed — a first in five years

    The Yellow Springs Police Department is composed of 19 employees: seven dispatchers, one community outreach specialist, one property manager and 10 officers — three of whom were recently hired and are still in training.

  • Village Council talks housing

    Members of Village Council continued their conversation about housing development on Village-owned property parcels at their most recent meeting Monday, June 5.

  • Village Council broaches budget shortfall

    On Sunday, Dec. 4, members of Village Council received a memo from Village Manager Josué Salmerón, indicating the Village’s budget was forecasting a deficit of $3,011,720. The memo left Council with two options: cut spending or increase revenues.

  • Council holds 2023 budget work sessions

    Since late October, Village Council members Carmen Lee, Marianne MacQueen, Gavin DeVore Leonard, Kevin Stokes and Brian Housh have engaged in a series of work sessions centering on the 2023 Village budget. These discussions have involved staff, including Village Manager Josué Salmerón and Public Works Director Johnnie Burns.

  • YSPD budgets $1.7 million for 2023

    A recent spike in officer and dispatch turnover, higher overtime costs and mounting expenses to maintain and replace outdated equipment are among ongoing challenges identified by the Yellow Springs Police Department in proposing a 2023 budget totaling $1,731,805.34.

  • Facilities Committee wavers on MPA

    An MPA would assess certain aspects of the school facilities’ needs and make recommendations to the Facilities Committee and the district on necessary long-term maintenance.

  • YS Schools budget shortfall delayed slightly

    At the regular meeting of the Board of Education two weeks ago, district Treasurer Jay McGrath presented the revised five-year forecast for the district’s budget for general operations funding.

  • Village Council drills down on budget

    At its regular meeting on Nov. 15, held via Zoom, Village Council took several steps toward appropriating funds for the 2022 budget, which will be voted on at its Dec. 6 meeting.

  • Budget deficit forecasted for Village Schools

    After finishing the last two fiscal years with revenues higher than expenditures, Yellow Springs school leaders anticipate a return to deficit spending this fiscal year (FY), which ends June 30, 2022, according to the district’s latest five-year financial forecast.

  • Village Council— Deficit budget moves ahead

    The Village of Yellow Springs plans to spend about a million dollars more than it takes in next year. As a result, general fund reserves are set to drop to their lowest level in recent years.

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