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Articles About equal rights

  • Pride Parade

    Images from the recent parade in Yellow Springs celebrating those who identify as LGBT.

  • En route to equality: the 5th annual YS PRIDE parade

    Under a hot summer sun several hundred villagers celebrated diversity and equality Saturday during Yellow Springs Pride events. Shown above at the fifth annual parade are Andi and DeLaine Adkins and Chris Wyatt of Scouts for Equality. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Under a hot summer sun several hundred villagers celebrated diversity and equality Saturday during Yellow Springs Pride events.

  • Yellow Springs Scouts for Equality celebrate victory

    Cub Scout Bobby Wyatt holds an "Inclusive Scouting Award" distributed by the Scouts for Equality. The symbolic badge signals a scout is tolerant and inclusive. (Submitted photo by Lake Miller)

    The local chapter of Scouts for Equality celebrated a victory Monday as the national chapter of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) announced it would remove the ban on gay and lesbian adults from joining.

  • Pride steps out in the village

    Melissa Heston’s Wonder Woman and Mary Kay Smith led last year’s Yellow Springs Pride sidewalk parade. Most 2015 Pride events will take place Saturday, with a family potluck at 11:30 a.m. Saturday at John Bryan Center, speakers and music in the afternoon and the parade downtown at 5 p.m. (News archive photo by Megan Bachman)

    This weekend villagers are invited to celebrate diversity in Yellow Springs at a variety of events sponsored by the 4th Annual Pride Week.

  • Scout holds BSA to its own core values

    After taking 80-mile bike trips and camping in 14-degree-below-zero weather, local Eagle Scout Lake Miller is turning to his next activity with the Boy Scouts — ending discrimination in the nationwide youth organization. This week Miller launched a local chapter of Scouts for Equality, a national group pressuring the Boy Scouts to allow gay scout […]

  • Rally for marriage equality

    Issa Walker, of the Yellow Springs-based hip-hop group Village Fam, rehearses with the World House Choir, under the direction of Catherine Roma, on a song that will be performed as part of Friday night’s Pep Rally for Marriage Equality, hosted by the choir, at the Antioch Foundry Theater. The collaborative piece composed specially for the all-volunteer choir combines rap and four-part harmonies. Friday night’s multimedia event, scheduled to begin at 7:40 p.m., will include music, dance and a variety of visual elements. In addition to members of Village Fam, guest performers will include MUSE, Cincinnati’s Women’s Choir; and dancers Melissa Heston and Rodney Veal. Admission is free. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    The World House Choir is hosting a Pep Rally for Marriage Equality on Friday, Oct. 10, intentionally set on the eve of National Coming Out Day.

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