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Articles About Greene County Jail

  • New Greene County Jail construction underway

    On Friday, Oct. 27, state and county leaders gathered at the Greene County Adult Detention Center in Xenia to break ground on a $76 million facility that will house a new county jail as well as county law enforcement administration offices.

  • Greene County to build new jail

    After two failed attempts to levy funds for a new jail through sales tax, and nearly a year of decisions about finance, design and size, the Greene County Commissioners and sheriff’s office will break ground on a $61 million, 250-bed jail this spring.

  • Eyes on reform

    About 30 members and supporters of the Greene County Coalition for Compassionate Justice gathered across from Greene County Jail in Xenia last Saturday, July 11, to call on county leaders to reduce the jail population during, and beyond, the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Greene County Jail— Avoiding a COVID outbreak

    The Greene County Jail on East Market Street in downtown Xenia was built in 1969. County leaders say the aging facility needs to be replaced with an updated and expanded facility. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    In late May, an inmate transferred to state prison from Greene County Jail was tested by the state for COVID-19 and found positive. The individual hadn’t displayed any symptoms, and had a normal temperature upon leaving the county jail, according to jail administrator Major Kirk Keller this week. Keller asked the state to re-test the inmate, but the state declined.

  • EDITORIAL — ‘No’ to 500 county jail beds

    The Greene County Jail on East Market Street in downtown Xenia was built in 1969. County leaders say the aging facility needs to be replaced with an updated and expanded facility. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Greene County voters face a choice in the March 17 primary. Should the county increase the sales tax to fund construction of a new and larger jail? A editorial on Greene County Issue 12 from a prior issue of the News.

  • Council weighs jail response

    The Greene County Jail on East Market Street in downtown Xenia was built in 1969. County leaders say the aging facility needs to be replaced with an updated and expanded facility. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At its March 3 regular meeting, Village Council hashed out a letter to the Greene County Commissioners on their proposal to build a new county jail.

  • Issues with jail expansion

    On Thursday, March 5, members of Greene County Citizens Against the Giant Jail Tax held a press conference in front of the county courthouse in Xenia.

  • Villagers give views on jail

    The Greene County Jail on East Market Street in downtown Xenia was built in 1969. County leaders say the aging facility needs to be replaced with an updated and expanded facility. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Village Council, at its Feb. 18 regular meeting, considered perspectives on Issue 12, a 0.25% sales tax increase to fund the construction of a new and larger jail for Greene County.

  • In rural areas, a ‘quiet jail boom’

    In debates over jail expansion, the big picture is often the hidden aspect of the conversation. New research from Vera Institute of Justice sheds light on a “quiet jail boom” happening in more rural areas of the U.S.

  • In rural areas, a ‘quiet jail boom’

    In debates over jail expansion, the big picture is often the hidden aspect of the conversation. New research from Vera Institute of Justice sheds light on a “quiet jail boom” happening in more rural areas of the U.S.

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