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Articles About infrastructure repair

  • Watering hole

    Dayton-Yellow Springs Road was closed to traffic July 26 for a water leak remediation. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Village street crew members repaired a broken leaking water line under Dayton Street near Kenneth Hamilton Way on Monday, July 26.

  • While you were sleeping…

    The soon-to-be-retired utility pole illuminated against the night sky by work lights (Photo by Matt Minde)

    A report and photo essay on the the back-alley ballet of removing and replacing an aging utility pole.

  • Street paving to begin this month

    Paving will soon be scheduled for several village streets.

    Crews from Jurgensen Companies construction will be paving streets in the Village in the next few weeks.

  • Schools seek input on future of buildings

    Approximately 65 villagers attended the first community engagement forum dedicated to discussing the question of new school district facilities. Because the buildings will be paid for with tax dollars, district superintendent Mario Basora said he wants to get as much village input about the project as possible. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    Approximately 65 villagers returned to high school earlier this week for the first community engagement forum dedicated to discussing the question of new district facilities.

  • New bridge spans old dam

    Snow and thick ice have forced temporary closure of Glen Helen trails. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    A new bridge was recently constructed across the ruins of the old dam in the Glen, allowing for easier hiking and harkening back to the way things appeared more than 100 years ago.

  • Yellow Springs school board— Next step on facilities update

    Yellow Springs school board members and village residents will soon be considering options for dealing with aging infrastructure and meeting the district’s evolving instructional needs.

  • Sidewalks by Tom’s up next for repairs

    The Village announced last week that it plans to begin phase III of the downtown streetscape renovation on the southwest side of Xenia Avenue in mid-July. The project includes replacing sidewalks, curbcuts and removing and replanting trees along the route. (News archive photo by Matt Minde

    Sidewalks along the west side of Xenia Avenue downtown will be replaced this summer as part of a multi-year Village “streetscape” project.

  • Village Council — Sidewalk solution is elusive

    At its March 2 meeting, Village Council heard a presentation from Superintendent of Streets and Parks Jason Hamby on how best to address the current problem of subpar sidewalks. According to Hamby, the best path is to replace all Village sidewalks with new ones. “Only fixng the “troubled areas” is installing a Band-Aid on an […]

  • Yellow Springs spends over income

    On Oct. 6 Village Council began its annual series of budget planning workshops with a sober look at the second year of deficit spending in the general fund.

  • Village Council—Needed repairs to water lines will add cost

    The Village needs to plan on adding an additional $1.6 million onto the final cost of either purchasing drinking water from Springfield or building a new water plant, consulting engineer John Eastman told Council at its May 20 meeting.

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