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Articles About public art

  • The whaling wall

    Employing deep ceruleans, aquamarine azures and broody indigos, Nagley is adorning his newest mural with a pod of humpback whales drifting through an ocean scene.

  • Site design unveiled— Gaunt sculpture park eyed

    After three years, the Wheeling Gaunt sculpture is nearing completion. Anticipating a September unveiling, Village Council heard about plans for the sculpture’s placement in a downtown park at its June 21 regular meeting.

  • Latest Kieth’s Alley mural complete— Unpacking the ‘Tarot of America’

    Located on the rear of the building that houses Current Cuisine/Dark Star Comics/Pangaea, which has been a “free wall” since 1988, the “Tarot of America” features a panoply of social justice themes.

  • ‘Fight hate with love’

    Last weekend, local artist Pierre Nagley pasted a drawing of Emmitt Till on top of a Kieth’s Alley mural he painted last year of George Floyd that had been vandalized with white paint earlier in the week.

  • Downtown George Floyd mural vandalized

    The George Floyd mural in downtown Yellow Springs was discovered to be vandalized on Monday, March 1, around 11 a.m. White paint was apparently flung onto the mural, obscuring Floyd’s face as it appeared on the wall in Kieth’s Alley.

  • Mural to honor Virginia Hamilton

    Local artist Pierre Nagley recently started painting a new mural honoring the life and works of famed local author Virginia Hamilton. The mural, located on the wall of the Yellow Springs News building, is being spearheaded by Help Us Make a Nation, or H.U.M.A.N., a recently revived local human rights organization founded here in the ’70s.

  • New mural goes up downtown

    Look up! Downtown Yellow Springs has a new mural above Dark Star Books. Pangaea and Current Cuisine. Painted by local artist Mandy Sue, it features scenes from the Glen, local flora and fauna and everybody’s favorite fat cat, Mr. Eko.

  • Banner day at Mills Lawn School

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials to Principal Matt Housh. (Submitted photo courtesy of Mills Lawn School)

    Mills Lawn School third graders proudly presented banners they’d woven from recycled materials.

  • Peace piece

    At last Friday’s exhibition of the school-wide Project Peace Initiative at Mills Lawn School, music teacher Jo Frannye Reichert led third-graders in a conga drum performance, as part of D.R.U.M Code, which stands for “discipline, respect and unity through music.” (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    At last Friday’s exhibition of the school-wide Project Peace Initiative at Mills Lawn School, third-graders performed a conga drum performance, as part of D.R.U.M Code.

  • Poetry readings continue at YSAC Gallery

    Enthusiasts of the written word gathered again last night for an evening of poetry as Clark State professors and poets Chris Bay and Rachel Peterson read their work at the YSAC Gallery.

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