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Articles About public art project

  • Council approves sculpture event

    At their Feb. 19 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved moving ahead with a bronze sculpture symposium sponsored by the Yellow Springs Arts Council.

  • Ancient art forms a stone’s throw away

    Local artist Pierre Nagley deposits the results of creative inspiration about the village.

  • Artist in residence at Mills Lawn—Students redesign their sign

    Fifth grade Mills Lawn students Will Mitdbo and Stephen Kaiser-Parlette worked on a joint mosaic project last week, which will soon become part of the newly tiled Mills Lawn School sign at the front entrance of the school. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The fifth-grade art students dove into the buckets of pottery shards in muted shades of blue, pink, orange and brown.

  • The Kieth’s Alley gallery

    Pierre Nagley’s new mural in Keith’s alley is of his Chihuahua Beetoe.

  • The Quilt Barn Project

    A local 4H club put up the first in a series of painted quilt designs last Sunday afternoon.

  • Writing about music…

    A mixed crowd of adults and children watched attentively as the dancers lunged up the library's front steps with colorful umbrellas as props. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    A mixed crowd of adults and children watched attentively as dancers lunged up the library’s front steps with colorful umbrellas as props.

  • In time for spring, an artistic blooming on Dayton Street

    JafaGirls Nancy Mellon and Corrine Bayraktaroglu

    “Flower power” will take on new meaning soon in Yellow Springs, as colorful blossoms spring to life on benches and poles on Dayton and Corry Streets, just in time for the greening of spring. It’s the latest project from Corrine Bayraktaroglu and Nancy Mellon, also known as the JafaGirls.

  • Skeins away! Yarn-bombers strike

    Forgive this reporter for stating the obvious: Yellow Springs has been yarn bombed.

    Yarn Bombing, a new glossy craft book, has a definite Yellow Springs flavor: the book features full-page spreads of the fiber art of locals Nancy Mellon and Corrine Bayraktaroglu — aka the JafaGirls — presented as a radical art practice called knit graffiti.

  • Council considers new group with economic advisory role

    At their Sept. 8 meeting, members of Village Council continued an earlier discussion regarding how the Village should best approach economic development. At issue was a motion by Council President Judith Hempfling that Council establish an economic sustainability committee. Council did not take action at the meeting due to concerns from Council members Kathryn Van der Heiden and Karen Wintrow that Council’s new economic sustainability staff person, who has not yet been hired, should be on the job before an advisory group is established.

  • Outdoor sculpture contest winners — Public art to go public in October

    Most art is meant to be viewed by the public, but not all art takes up permanent residence in the public sphere in the way the three pieces that won the village’s first public sculpture contest are about to do. But come Street Fair time in early October, three public spaces in the village will display Beth Holyoke’s three-dimensional yellow mosaic of the word “springs,” Olga Ziemska’s sculpture of the hands of villagers cast in white in the image of a bird in flight, and Migiwa Orimo’s old-style telephone booth that beckons villagers to come inside and create their own experimental artworks.

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