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Articles About signs of spring

  • Filling in the frame

    the vanguard of an army that will soon fill in the empty branches, seeming to shrink our streets and alleys back down to summer size

    They’re the vanguard of an army that will soon fill in the empty branches, seeming to shrink our streets and alleys back down to summer size.

  • From sticks and stones

    The dogwood tree at the First Presbyterian Church: from sticks and stones to a burst of flowers, then to dense green leaves. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    In this video, a series of photographs from early March to mid May recall the dramatic progress of the dogwood tree.

  • Ephemeral spring!

    The remnants of May flowers are scattered on the sidewalks and washed into the drains. But the promise of that brief burst of color seems to keep us going through the cold, dark months. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Recent harsh winds and driving rains have all but eliminated the brief burst of color that is the signature of Spring.

  • Spring-side seats…

    Outside seating will soon be a mainstay of many backyards. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    As the flowers come out, so do the people, seeking noontime sun, evening crickets and starry summer nights. The chairs have been waiting.

  • Spring has officially, and very quickly, arrived

    Spring has sprung three to four weeks early this year, as evidenced by the billowy white pear trees downtown, which most often bloom in mid April.

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