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Articles About Solar array

  • EXTENDED COVERAGE | Kingwood solar project application denied

    Australian company, Lendlease, has been approaching landowners in the rural area between Yellow Springs, Clifton and Cedarville for longterm leases to build a 175-megawatt utility-scale solar array. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Ohio Power Siting Board, or OPSB, has denied the application of Texas-based Vesper Energy to establish the 1,500-acre Kingwood solar project in Greene County.

  • Kingwood solar project application denied

    Australian company, Lendlease, has been approaching landowners in the rural area between Yellow Springs, Clifton and Cedarville for longterm leases to build a 175-megawatt utility-scale solar array. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    The Ohio Power Siting Board, or OPSB, has denied the application of Texas-based Vesper Energy to establish the 1,500-acre Kingwood solar project in Greene County.

  • Village vies for more municipal solar

    The Village of Yellow Springs is looking to build solar photovoltaic arrays on a number of municipal properties. Sites up for consideration are the Village-owned Sutton Farm, located on State Route 343; the parking lot at the John Bryan Community Center; and the rooftops of several Village buildings.

  • Village Council eyes Sutton Farm for solar array

    At its regular meeting on Nov. 1, held virtually via Zoom, Village Council members heard a report from Village Manager Josué Salmerón that detailed the standing of the Village’s energy portfolio and ways to continue using alternative energy in order to provide electricity to the village.

  • Utility-scale solar firm applies for state permit

    A Texas company looking to build a 1,500-acre, 175-megawatt solar power project in Greene County has applied for a permit.

  • Utility-scale solar project moves ahead

    A utility-scale solar project southeast of Yellow Springs is moving forward, and so is a grassroots effort to stop it.

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