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Articles About transient guest lodging

  • Planning Commission broaches changes to Airbnb rules

    At the group’s most recent meeting on Thursday, Dec. 14, the Village Planning Commission considered the possibility of loosening regulations on the 42 registered — and future — Airbnbs in Yellow Springs.

  • Village Council addresses Airbnb ‘proximity’

    No Airbnb can be located within 500 feet of another one, according to legislation Council passed at its regular meeting on Monday, July 19.

  • Planning Commission— Cresco to expand, add jobs

    Local medical marijuana producer Cresco Labs is planning a $40 million expansion at its Yellow Springs facility over the next five years, with plans to add 140 jobs over that time.

  • Council closer to Airbnb rules

    Those who run local Airbnbs or other businesses that offer short-term stays could soon be paying more to the Village — some a lot more.

  • Stricter rules for Airbnbs

    At its regular meeting Monday, April 5, Council considered legislation that imposes new fees, requirements and potential penalties for those renting out their rooms, apartments or homes for short-term stays.

  • Council passes stricter AirBnB regulations

    Those wanting to start a new local AirBnB will now have to appear before Planning Commission, Village Council decided at its regular meeting on Monday, July 15.

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