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Articles About Village energy use

  • Village recognized for electric reliability

    The Village of YS was recognized by the American Public Power Association for its electric reliability.

    The Village of YS has received national recognition for achieving exceptional electric reliability in 2016.

  • Cut electric rates with peak shaving

    Periodically throughout the summer, Village government encourages Yellow Springers to assist with “peak shaving.” The practice is generally understood as a way to reduce electricity usage and save money, but what does it actually mean?

  • A new lighting look downtown

    Village electric crew members Dan Mayenschein (in bucket) Chris Hamilton and Jane Hamilton installed one of the three new streetlights on the north end of Xenia Avenue on Monday. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Villagers who venture downtown this week may notice that the Village electric crew finished installing three street lamps at the north end of downtown.

  • Solar farm is still on track

    As long as the sun continues to shine on Yellow Springs, the Village could begin receiving power from a local solar photovoltaic project in 2012.

  • UPDATED – YS monthly energy consumption

    The monthly electricity use of the village’s 1,700 residences has slightly increased from 2003, according to figures from the Village utility department.

  • Vernay is potential solar site

    At their Sept. 7 meeting, Village Council members took their first official step toward adding solar power to the Village energy portfolio when they unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance for an AMP solar energy subscription package.

  • Solar project elicits interest

    At the Aug. 16 Village Council meeting Village leaders expressed enthusiasm for a new American Municipal Power, or AMP, solar energy subscription package, and asked Village Manager Mark Cundiff to prepare an ordinance to enable the Village to sign on to the project.

  • Schools get a “green” makeover

    Solar shades will soon adorn the southern facade of the high school to cut the demand for mechanical cooling. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    New for the 2010 school year is an energy-efficiency makeover at all three school buildings and an energy curriculum to match.

  • Yellow Springs monthly residential electrical consumption

    This is the first in a monthly report on the residential use of electric power within the village limits. View a chart of comparative residential electrical consumption.

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