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Articles About women's rights

  • Bognar, Reichert film— The 9to5 movement

    “9to5” premiered nationally on PBS’ Independent Lens program on Feb. 1. It will air on Dayton’s ThinkTV16 on Thursday, Feb. 4, at 10 p.m., and on ThinkTV14 on Friday, Feb. 5, at 10:30 p.m. Viewers can also stream “9to5: The Story of a Movement” through for free this month.

  • Emporium art exhibit— Prison portraits focus on humanity

    How does a person keep their will to live when their whole future is in the same place?

  • Community unity powers D.C. Women’s March

    After riding through the night via chartered bus, and deposited in a Washington, D.C., parking lot after sunrise Saturday, Jan. 21, 55 women from Yellow Springs prepared to join hundreds of thousands of people from across the country streaming toward the National Mall for Saturday’s Women’s March on Washington. The bus passengers represented a portion of village residents who particpated in the historic event. (Submitted photo by Lydia, the busdriver)

    Local preparation for last weekend’s Women’s March on Washington may have been as significant for many Yellow Springs women, and for the community at large, as the actual march itself.

  • Yellow Springs Sister March draws at least 250

    The Yellow Springs Sister March drew at least 250 villagers on Saturday, many expressing positive, pro-women messages, some of them playful. The local march was organized by local seventh-graders Carina Basora and Ava Schell. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    A local Sister March organized by two seventh-graders drew more than 250 people in peaceful protest in downtown Yellow Springs on Saturday.

  • Local men and women Stand Up!

    A group of about 250 demonstrators gathered on Xenia Avenue last week to “repudiate the bigotry and disgraceful behavior” exemplified by Trump’s comments on the “Access Hollywood” video. Among them were, from left, Will Gregor, Teresa Dunphy, Tommaso Gregor, Beth Holyoke and Andy Holyoke. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    Last Wednesday, Xenia Avenue was lined, as it sometimes is, with people holding signs with bold political slogans and rallying for social justice for women.

  • Event teaches that ‘no is no’

    Organizers of Consent 101, a workshop taking place Thursday, May 5, at 7 p.m. at the Yellow Springs Arts Council, believe that consent is a critical topic.

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