
Economy Section :: Page 54

  • Whey to go: local cheese arrives

    Nick Mronzinski stirred curds at Young’s Jersey Dairy in a cheese vat that has been used to turn the farm’s fresh milk into local cheese for the last 18 months. The yellow cheddar cheese made on a recent visit will be used to top burgers and salads at Young’s restaurants.

    Those who prefer local foods can now add a variety of locally-produced cheese to their diets, thanks to two area dairies that have recently been turning fresh milk into cheese.

  • Odiorne home to open soon

    Four area residents team up to preserve the historic home on the corner of Xenia Avenue and Herman Street, where an open house is slated to take place sometime early next year.

  • Baldwin buys Kings Yard

    The sale of the long building of shops in Kings Yard that was auctioned off in April was finalized last week by the purchaser, Bob Baldwin.

  • Faces of first-time buyers in YS

    Geno and Krystal Luketic are the sort of young couple that local leaders hope will settle in the village. However, while Geno continues his work at the pottery shop, the Luketics are no longer village residents.

  • Company seeks local oil, gas

    Traffic was disrupted for several days last month on West Enon and North Fairfield Roads just north of Yellow Springs as a large truck took seismic readings of rock formations thousands of feet below the roadways.

  • Faces of first-time buyers in Yellow Springs

    Geno and Krystal Luketic are the sort of young couple that local leaders hope will settle in the village.

  • Baldwin buys Kings Yard

    The sale of the long building of shops in Kings Yard that was auctioned off in April was finalized last week by the purchaser, Bob Baldwin.

  • Sale of Kings Yard north closes

    Local resident Bob Baldwin purchased the string of shops on the northern edge of Kings Yard yesterday.

  • Zoning issue stymies infill

    The denial of a density variance last month by the Board of Zoning Appeals is motivating some Village officials to reconsider the criteria the board uses to grant variances and to review the overall effectiveness of the Village’s zoning code.

  • New firm aims big for local solar

    From left, Scott Lindstrom, Shannon Lindstrom and Paul Wren launched their new company, Yellow Springs Renewable Energy, at a public forum last month. The local company, here with a solar photovoltaic panel, aims to provide residential, commercial and village-scale solar power.

    In October, a new local company, Yellow Springs Renewable Energy, held a public forum to educate the community on the renewable energy revolution taking place in the country and state their goal of leading that renewable energy revolution locally.

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