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Economy Section :: Page 68

  • Green pricing offers power options

    Yellow Springs residents will soon have the opportunity to ensure that the cost of their share of household energy use goes to supporting renewable power sources like the sun, wind, waterways and landfill gas. Village Council on Monday, May 19, agreed to initiate a new “green pricing” program that will offer residents the option of […]

  • A ‘Yellow Springs Promise’ to help with costs of college

    At the meeting of the Yellow Springs Board of Education on Thursday, May 8, board members heard a draft proposal for a new program aimed at both promoting higher education for local young people and attracting new young families to Yellow Springs.

  • Council approves first step for Barr property project

    At their May 5 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved a first reading for the proposed Friends Care Community apartments on the Barr property downtown.

  • A record year for YSI Inc.

    YSI Incorporated had a record year in 2007, posting a top-line revenue growth of 15 percent, to nearly $73 million, and a 40 percent increase in profits, said President and CEO Rick Omlor at the company’s annual shareholders meeting…

  • Planners deny plans for Barr property

    At a well-attended meeting on Monday, April 14, Village Planning Commission voted 2–2 to recommend to Village Council that the Friends Care Community’s preliminary plans for senior apartments not be approved.

  • FCC sticks with 3-story plan

    Yellow Springs residents filled Council chambers at the Bryan Community Center for the March 24 meeting of the Yellow Springs Planning Commission, expecting a public hearing on the Friends Care Community’s proposal for use of the Barr property for moderately priced senior apartments.

  • Agraria picks five-acre site

    The model, low-energy development Community Solution calls Agraria became a little more real late last fall when organizers of the project purchased a 5.1-acre parcel of land on the north end of town.

  • Possible BRAC jobs focus of meeting

    Economic development for Greene County and Yellow Springs was the focus of a presentation given by the Dayton Development Coalition at Antioch University McGregor on Friday morning, March 14. About 100 local and county residents, leaders and men in dark suits attended the meeting…

  • ‘News’ wins top newspaper prize

    The Yellow Springs News was named the top newspaper in its class recently at the annual Osmond C. Hooper Newspaper Show, the annual competition among Ohio weekly newspapers. The contest took place Feb. 14 in Columbus as part of the annual Ohio Newspaper Association annual convention.

  • Antioch Co. sells bookplate division

    The Antioch Company officially sold the Antioch Publishing Company to an Indiana-based business last week. Antioch Publishing comprises about 5 percent of the Antioch Company’s total business and the sale will not have a big effect on the manufacturing operations in Yellow Springs…

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