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From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 114

  • Two election petitions rejected in YS school board race

    Two Yellow Springs School Board incumbents, Vice President Aïda Mehermic and first-term member Steve McQueen will not be eligible to run for office in the 2021 election cycle because their petitions were not certified by the Greene County Board of Elections, or BOE.

  • Continued coverage— Yellow Springs police chief resigns

    On Wednesday, Aug. 18, the Village of Yellow Springs announced in a press release that Yellow Springs Police Chief Brian Carlson had resigned.

  • Climate Action and Sustainability Plan underway in Yellow Springs

    Piper Fernwey worked at colleges and companies across the midwest developing farm-to-table programs and climate change responses. At Denison University, she helped the cafeteria source 40% of its food locally. Now, the Clifton resident is tasked with drafting a Climate Action and Sustainability Plan for the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • Yellow Springs Instruments— Model 23A’s revolutionary legacy

    Alan Brunsman, who worked for the vast majority of his career at YSI, sat down with the News recently to tell the long and complicated story of the groundbreaking Model 23A.

  • New beginnings for YS schools

    The first day of classes for Yellow Springs Schools was Monday, Aug. 23. And while the start of a new academic year is typically cause for heightened emotion — whether excitement or dread — this new start contains more feeling than typical years past.

  • Greene County jail tax is back on ballot

    After voters rejected a proposed sales tax increase to build a new jail in 2020, Greene County Commissioners are asking them to approve a sales tax for a slightly smaller jail this fall.

  • Open house for Glen Cottages

    In the face of unprecedented COVID-19 construction challenges and obstacles, Glen Cottages, an affordable housing development located at 1133 Xenia Ave., will soon be ready for move-in.

  • A fond farewell to Coach Jimmy

    Summer after summer after summer, villagers have seen him out on the T-ball diamond at Gaunt Park every Friday night: baseball hat perched on his head, hair tied back in a ponytail, a big grin spreading across his face, surrounded by laughing, shouting kids.

  • Poverty the focus of local simulation

    On Wednesday, June 30, 28 villagers pondered these and other dilemmas facing fictional characters in the Virtual Cost of Poverty Experience, a 90-minute poverty simulation that is designed to help people better understand the effects of poverty.

  • Candidates file for fall races

    More candidates may be vying for public office this fall than in recent years. Last week, 20 people seeking local office filed petitions with the Greene County Board of Elections ahead of the Aug. 4 deadline.

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