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From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 140

  • Council OKs land use plan

    At its Monday, Oct. 19, virtual meeting, Village Council unanimously approved a new comprehensive plan, which will guide the Village’s development and land use decisions through 2030.

  • Who’s the News?, pt. IV: the printer

    In the fourth installment of the “Who’s the News?” series, we go even further behind the scenes to introduce to you the men and the machines who bring the News to life. Meet the printer.

  • New tiles at Women’s Park

    Though the flowers in the Women’s Park on Corry Street have begun to wither as fall deepens, something new has just bloomed there: in early October, a collection of 124 new tiles bearing the names of local women emerged.

  • Tims vies for House seat; Lachman runs for judge

    The News continues its election coverage this week with profiles of two more area candidates. Both candidates are Democrats with support among Yellow Springs’ heavily Democratic voters.

  • Village seeks levy renewal

    The 8.4-mill, five-year levy, first adopted in 2006, generates about $835,000 annually, according to the Greene County Auditor’s Office. As a fixed-rate levy, its passage will not increase voters’ tax bill, despite the recent increase in local property values.

  • COVID-19 update— For first time, Greene is ‘red’

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    Last Thursday, Oct. 15, Ohio elevated Greene County to “red” on the Ohio Health Advisory System for the first time since the system was put in place in early July. The state flagged four different indicators of increased COVID-19 spread here, out of a seven-indicator risk profile.

  • Village Comprehensive Land Use Plan— Parking, Glass Farm changes

    A design for expanding parking around Mills Lawn was removed from the Village’s draft comprehensive land use plan during Village Council’s Oct. 5 virtual meeting.

  • Yellow Springs Schools— Online instruction set to continue

    Instruction for the 700-some students enrolled in Yellow Springs Schools will remain online for at least another quarter.

  • COVID-19 update— Cases rise in Greene County

    COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the county. The virus was slow to take hold here, but the county saw a spike in June, a larger spike in July, some moderating in August and a surge beginning in late August that hasn’t let up.

  • Senior Center to reopen Monday

    That door will open again on Monday, Oct. 19, as the Senior Center welcomes seniors back with a “Coffee and Donuts with Friends” event.

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