From The Print Last Week Section :: Page 138
More local Chappelle shows OK’d
The series of ticketed shows, which began in early June and ran for four months — as allowed by a temporary use permit for the agriculturally zoned property — may now continue through Aug. 5, 2021.
Election ran smoothly in Yellow Springs
Emotions ran high, and a pandemic raged on, but a historic election unfolded without incident in Yellow Springs on Tuesday, Nov. 3.
The Village Mouse— The sinking of the friend ship, pt. II
Chipping away at Q-falsehoods with calm rhetoric proved tedious. I kept thinking: this stuff is batty. Too many people have to hide too many crimes, not to mention Donald Trump is connected to some of the alleged members of the cabal.
Yellow Springs Schools— Reopening amid uncertainty
This is the first part of a two-part article. The second part will feature responses of families to the school district’s reopening plans, including a deeper look at the recent parent/guardian survey, as well as the thoughts of local teachers.
Little Thunders— Speaking Indian
Whenever I hear an Elder speak our traditional Ojibwe language, known as anishinaabemowin, my eyes fill with tears. I become overwhelmed with emotion. I’m told that tears are the ancestors coming to visit and wash my vision to help me heal from historical trauma.
Antioch College— Manley to leave in December
Antioch College President Tom Manley is leaving the presidency earlier than planned due to health issues. Manley will become “president emeritus” as of Dec. 1, he announced in an email to the college community on Friday, Oct. 30.
Planning Commission— Costly repairs ahead for YS?
Burns described a series of specific stormwater issues related to aging infrastructure — which in some parts of town date back to the late 1800s, he said — certain kinds of lot designs, more intense storms than previously and other factors.
Mural to honor Virginia Hamilton
Local artist Pierre Nagley recently started painting a new mural honoring the life and works of famed local author Virginia Hamilton. The mural, located on the wall of the Yellow Springs News building, is being spearheaded by Help Us Make a Nation, or H.U.M.A.N., a recently revived local human rights organization founded here in the ’70s.
Community Solutions to host restorative conference
This year’s conference, the organization’s 66th, is titled “Pathways to Regeneration: Restoration, Resiliency and Reciprocity,” with a particular focus on food growing and preservation. It will be conducted online this weekend, Friday through Sunday, Nov. 6–8.
COVID-19 update— ‘There is no place to hide’ in Ohio
October brought a whirlwind of bad news about COVID-19 spread in Ohio. New cases soared statewide, hospitalizations increased and more counties than ever flipped to “red” on the state’s COVID-19 heat map.
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