
From The Print Section :: Page 119

  • 2020 Year in Review: Village Schools

    Calendar year 2020 began and ended with Yellow Springs school district leaders discussing identified structural needs in the local school buildings and how to address them, but the majority of the year was occupied by the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • 2020 Year in Review: Village Council

    2020 Year in Review: Village Council

  • 2020 Year in Review: Top Stories

    2020 was an eventful and newsworthy year — especially in Yellow Springs. Villagers weathered the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, witnessed the transfer of ownership of Glen Helen, endured a stressful and unique election season and so much more.

  • Village of Yellow Springs shares $40K in federal CARES funds

    New HVAC filtration systems, masks, gloves, stand-alone air purifiers, plexiglass partitions and hand sanitizer stations were among the products purchased by local organizations through the grant.

  • Amid pandemic, Friends Care Community’s ho-ho-holidays

    The holidays are festive, if lower-key, at Friends Care Community this year. Visitation has been restricted at the facility since March.

  • The Briar Patch— Mortgaging humanity: Property values and the life of Wheeling Gaunt

    There is clear distinction between Gaunt’s humanitarian-based business structure, and the economic system of slavery upon which our mortgage system is based. Bundling enslaved people — captives — into securities had benefits for the slave owner.

  • Wheeling Gaunt’s legacy lives on

    Wheeling Gaunt’s generosity perseveres in a 126-year-old tradition of the delivery of flour to local widows and widowers at the holidays — a stipulation in Gaunt’s will when he bequeathed the land that is now Gaunt Park to the Village.

  • 2020 in six words or one picture

    This year, as in years past, the YS News asked its readers to write a little something in response to a question about the year that’s ending.

  • News from the Past

    In last week’s “News from the Past” column, contributing writer Don Hollister did another dive into the YS News archives and compiled some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Decembers.

  • Sankofa Talk — An ‘All Lives Matter moment’

    Villagers, from left, Joan Chappelle, Cheryl Smith and Bomani Moyenda, and nearly 100 others attended a demonstration at the Greene County courthouse in Xenia on Monday evening to highlight the injustice of John Crawford’s death by police shooting at the Beavercreek Walmart in August. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    In the most recent installment of Bomani Moyenda’s column, “Sankofa Talk,” Moyenda recounts a tense interaction with an “All Lives Matter” proponent at a forum at Wilmington College.

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