
From The Print Section :: Page 34

  • Post-affirmative action

    Why these rulings matter, the history of affirmative action and its effect on a societal level, were points of discussion during a recent News interview with Kenneth Durgans, associate provost for diversity and inclusion at Kansas City University in Missouri.

  • The Patterdale Hall Diaries | Weathering a bomb cyclone

    “The winds hit about 11 p.m. just as I went to bed, and the temperature dropped from 40º F to -9º F, or -24º C, in the space of two hours.”

  • Antioch College to sell, lease properties

    On Tuesday, Aug. 22, Antioch College announced in a press release that it will list some of its land and buildings for lease or sale.

  • Village Council and Yellow Springs Development Corporation talk local economy

    This is the second article of two, the first of which appeared in the July 7 issue of the News and featured edited excerpts of a discussion by members of Village Council and YSDC at a June 29 joint meeting held in Council chambers.

  • My Name Is Iden | Happy Iden-pendence Day

    My Name is Iden

    This past July 5 was my three-year “traniversary,” the anniversary of my coming out as transgender and beginning my transition. A day I’ve dubbed “Iden’s Day.”

  • School Board President TJ Turner resigns

    Just before the adjournment of the most recent regular meeting of the Board of Education on Thursday, Aug. 10, Board President TJ Turner announced to those present that the meeting would be his last.

  • Yellow Springs Brewery to open Columbus taproom

    Ohio’s capital is about to get a taste of the village: Last week, Yellow Springs Brewery announced plans to open a second taproom in the Clintonville neighborhood of Columbus in October.

  • Agraria reopens, moves forward

    In the six months since operations were suspended at the Agraria Center for Regenerative Practice, the 138-acre educational farm has been quieter than it had been previously — but not silent.

  • Emergent Verse | Private matters

    Banner for column "Emergent Verse" by Ed Davis

    Readers may remember Audrey Hackett as not only a former reporter for the Yellow Springs News, but also the writer of “First Lines,” a poetry column she penned for a couple of years.

  • Trustees bid Chief Altman farewell

    Following an executive session, the trustees later voted to appoint current Assistant Fire Chief Dennis Powell to the position of  interim fire chief, effective Friday, Aug. 11, beginning at 5 p.m.

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