
From The Print Section :: Page 398

  • Bulldog sports round-up

    Bryce White contributed to the Bulldogs’ overwhelming win against Dayton Christian Friday night before a home crowd. The Bulldogs are now 14–4 for the season. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Swimming: Girls finish 2nd at MBC meet; Swimmers earn 6 league titles. Basketball: Girls punish DC at home

  • Township trustees appoint Spracklen

    During the year John Eastman served on the Miami Township Board of Trustees, he showed an interest in road safety and regional issues, such as maintaining good water quality and protecting source water in the region, fellow Trustee Chris Mucher said last week.

  • February, 2015

    February 5, 2015 Antioch Review still surprises When Bob Fogarty became editor of the Antioch Review in 1977, his goal in maintaining the college’s literary magazine was to keep surprising readers with fresh, lively work. Songwriter, singer, Yellow Springer “If I could ride on monarch butterfly wing/I’d go and catch the joy I’ve found within […]

  • Council nixes grant for wetland

    One of the beavers present in the Glass Farm wetland. (submitted photo by Scott Stolsenberg)

    At their Jan. 20 meeting, Village Council delivered a setback to a group of local environmentalists who sought to develop a management plan for a wetlands on the Glass Farm.

  • Mini dramas pique, entertain

    The Yellow Springs Theater Company presents the Yellow Springs Ten Minute Play Festival on Friday and Saturday, Jan. 30–31, 7:30 p.m. at the First Presbyterian Church. Admission is $10 at the door. Here, from left, Sommer McGuire, Krissy Hartman and Ron Weber rehearse Jerry Holt’s play, “Bagged.” (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    For the fifth consecutive year, the Ten Minute Play Festival that revived community theater in Yellow Springs is back. The Yellow Springs Theater Company is producing a range of comedies, dramas and experimental pieces about sharp-toothed animals, the talking dead, burglars with a conscience and growing old in a small town, with all local or locally associated playwrights, directors, actors and producers.

  • Public art is the focus of TAG!

    Spray painted on a wall somewhere is a quote about graffiti: Art in a frame is like an eagle in a birdcage.

  • 2014 Village revenues beat expectations

    There was good news regarding last year’s Village general fund budget at Village Council’s Jan. 20 meeting, according to Finance Director Melissa Vanzant. In 2014, revenues exceeded projections and expenses came in lower than expected.

  • Penrod faces criminal charges

    Yellow Springs Sergeant Naomi Penrod was charged in Xenia Municipal Court on Monday with three misdemeanors related to an altercation she had with a village resident in November.

  • Mary M. Morgan

    Mary Margaret Steele Morgan, eighth child born Sept. 10, 1925, to Robert and Mamie Beckett Steele of Alderson, W. Va., died on Jan. 30, at age 89 in Yellow Springs at Friends Care.

  • Bulldog sports round-up

    Chick sets two meet records; Two first places for Ngqakayi; Medley, individuals swim bests; Girls, boys fall to Troy Christian; McKinney 8th graders go 2–1

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