
From The Print Section :: Page 574

  • April 28, 2011 Bulldog Sports round up

    Yellow Springs High School junior Antone Truss soars through the air in the long jump at the rain-shortened Cedarville meet. Truss later won the long jump with a 19’3” leap at Springfield Shawnee. (Submitted Photo by Keturah Fulton)

    April 28, 2011 Bulldog Sports round up

  • A closer look at the Glen

    Nine of Glen Helen’s seasoned naturalists will lead a series of hands-on, family-friendly programs for Earth Day, Saturday, April 23, including a Tiny Things workshop led by naturalist Kathleen Soler, with Hannah Brewster at left. Events take place at the Outdoor Education Center and Raptor Center beginning at 8 a.m. with a youth and family fun run, followed by programs on fossils, backyard birds and Ohio wildlife. Events run until 2 p.m. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The nine naturalists who came last August to live in Glen Helen and lead the preserve’s educational programs throughout the year have grown fond of their home in the woods.

  • YSKP summer season on

    The April 16 YS Kids Playhouse gala fundraiser ensured this year’s summer season for the venerable institution. Above, YSHS students, many of whom are playhouse alumns, perform excerpts from Chicago, the upcoming high school spring musical. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    At the YS Kids Playhouse gala on Saturday night at its new home on the Antioch College campus, the playhouse announced that it would indeed have a summer season this year.

  • Walter Friz

    Walter Fritz

    Walter Friz, a longtime resident of Yellow Springs and Bath Township, died at home on Sunday, April 24, a few days before his 90th birthday.

  • Village tax levy, yes or no?

    About 25 villagers came out of the sun and into the Senior Center on Sunday to join a lively discussion about the Village property tax levy that will be on the ballot on May 3.

  • April 21, 2011 Bulldog Sports round-up

    Aldo Duque tossed up the ball for a serve as the second singles player for the Bulldogs in the team’s loss last Friday to Miami Valley. In the background is the second doubles team of Nick Sontag and Quinn Levanthal, who won in straight sets. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    April 21, 2011 Bulldog Sports round-up

  • Village efforts to grow economy

    A review of the efforts the Village has made since that time to stimulate economic development could contextualize the levy renewal coming up for a vote on May 3.

  • Finances a challenge, but college confidently advances

    At Antioch College a new class of 45 students has been accepted, three of the six initial faculty positions have been filled and work to renovate the campus continues.

  • Ken Champney

    Kenneth Hilbert Champney, a lifelong Yellow Springs resident and businessman, died gently Friday morning, April 15, at home with family members.

  • A day for kids and wellness

    Organizing a kids’ wellness day at the Community Children’s Center are chiropractor Erika Grushon and massage therapist Keri Speck, here holding a triangle pose. Clockwise from front left are Grushon, Speck, the center’s Director Marlin Newell and the center’s yoga instructor, Chelsie Waskiewicz; in front are Izanna Speck and Isaac Grushon. At the event, on Saturday from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., kids and their parents will learn massage, yoga, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, good nutrition and other holistic health measures. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Many parents may not know that holistic approaches — yoga, massage, aromatherapy, good nutrition, herbs — may help to prevent illness and injury in their children and lead to a long, healthy life.

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