
From The Print Section :: Page 575

  • Baseball, softball seasons cancelled

    There will be no baseball or softball at Yellow Springs High School this spring. Neither team was able to field the minimum of nine players necessary to compete.

  • Lynn Russell Hickerson

    Lynn Russell Hickerson of Orrington, Maine died Friday, April 15 surrounded by family.

  • Barbara Preis memorial

    A memorial service for Barbara Preis will be held Saturday, May 7, at 2 p.m. in Rockford Chapel.

  • Norma Jane Musick

    Norma Jane Musick, lifelong friend to Yellow Springs, died Monday, April 4, just short of her 59th birthday.

  • Property tax levy sidebar

    Property tax levy

  • A celebration of the Peace Corps—A life-changing experience

    A local celebration of the Peace Corps, which is observing its 50th birthday, will take place in Yellow Springs this Sunday, April 17, from 1:30 to 4 p.m. at the Senior Center. Shown above are former Peace Corps volunteers, from left seated in front, Virginia Caudill and Priscilla Janney-Pace. In the back, from left, are Hap Cawood, Jeanne Lemkau, Hardy Ballantine, Kay Reimers and Suzanne Oldham. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Yellow Springs is known as a singular place, but villagers may be unaware of one unique aspect of the village: its residents include an unexpectedly large percentage of returned Peace Corps volunteers.

  • The community in community theater

    A group of local actors and theater-lovers will present Anton Chekhov’s The Cherry Orchard this weekend and next in the Presbyterian Church’s Westminster Hall as a fundraiser to raise money for upgrades to the hall to create a performance space. Pictured above are actors Miriam Eckenrode and Natalie Sanders, actor/director Marsha Nowik and actor Howard Shook, producer Kay Reimers, stage manager Amy Cunningham and actors Ali Thomas and Gary Reimers. Not pictured are actors Thor Sage, Brendan Sheehan and Troy Lindsay. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    The value of theater in a small town goes beyond entertainment; as well as providing something interesting to do on a weekend night, theater brings people together for a shared experience.

  • Skate park changes considered

    At their April 4 meeting, Village Council members returned to an earlier discussion on the Village skate park, including needed repairs and possible upgrades.

  • Tom Ayrsman

    Tom Ayrsman

    Tom Ayrsman died unexpectedly on Sunday, April 3. He was 60.

  • Solar project moves forward

    At their last meeting, Village Council members came close to backing away from a proposed solar farm in the village. But that changed at their April 4 meeting, after Council heard from an energy expert.

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