Infrastructure & Services Section :: Page 12
Rumpke waste processing facility — Just don’t call it a garbage dump
Trash is an inevitable part of life. A big part of life, to the tune of almost five pounds per person per day, and those five pounds of garbage have to go somewhere.
Street work continues around the village
Village streets are receiving their annual repaving in the coming weeks.
Village Council— Electric rate hike to start July 1
Starting July 1, villagers are likely to see an increase in their electric bills, following Village Council’s unanimous vote at its April 4 meeting to amend the Village electric rate structure.
Council questions water plant hike
Council members considered that question at their March 7 meeting whether the village could recoup some of the money it paid for initial designs of the new water plant, given that cost turned out to be grossly inaccurate.
Village Council— Group urges a village-wide fiber network
A municipal fiber optic network would bring new jobs and business to the village, Village Council members were recently advised.
Environmental Commission report to Council— Focus is on ‘organic land management’ and climate change
Educating villagers on alternatives to pesticides is one of the current projects of the Environmental Commission.
Yellow Springs water plant cost goes up
The estimated cost of the new Village water plant increased during recent negotiations with the construction firm Council is hiring to build the plant.
MTFR to recognize new and retiring volunteers
Miami Township Fire-Rescue, or MTFR, invites the public to its staff recognition, promotion and swearing in ceremony on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 7 p.m.
Downtown businesses to be affected by brief electric outage on Saturday
On Saturday morning, Jan. 16, downtown businesses can expect to have their electricity out for about five minutes when Xenia Avenue electric meters are switched out by Village crews.
U.S. Route 68 closure scheduled for culvert work
U.S. Route 68 will be closed for five days for culvert replacement work just north of SR 343.
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