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Government Section :: Page 137

  • Increase in need seen among villagers

    According to the Village Utility Department Clerk Susie Butler, as of this week 181 local households are over 60 days behind in their utility bills.

  • Housing needs study considered

    Whether or not to hire a consultant to develop a housing needs assessment for Yellow Springs was a topic at Village Council’s Dec. 6 meeting.

  • 2011 Village budget considered

    The proposed 2011 Village budget is a “fiscally prudent document” that allows the Village to pursue several critical capital projects in the upcoming year, according to Village Manager Mark Cundiff.

  • Planners push zoning change

    Village Planning Commission voted 5–0 at its meeting Monday, Dec. 13, to recommend that the Village follow Ohio law and immediately adopt a different set of criteria to evaluate zoning variance requests.

  • Council approves 2011 Village goals

    At their Dec. 6 meeting, members of Yellow Springs Village Council unanimously approved their overarching principles and goals for 2011.

  • Council approves 2011 Village goal

    At their Dec. 6 meeting, members of Yellow Springs Village Council unanimously approved their overarching principles and goals for 2011.

  • Council approves 2011 principles, goals

    At their Dec. 6 meeting, Village Council members approved principles and goals for 2011.

  • UPDATED – YS monthly energy consumption

    The monthly electricity use of the village’s 1,700 residences has slightly increased from 2003, according to figures from the Village utility department.

  • Recycling grows at Rumpke

    Several Village Environmental Commission members paid a visit to several Rumpke sites last month, including the recycling center in Dayton, to get an update on what happens to the waste and recycling materials that get collected curbside in Yellow Springs. (photos by Lauren Heaton)

  • Council approves school travel plan

    At its Nov. 15 meeting, members of Village Council unanimously endorsed the Safe Routes to School Travel Plan, or SRTS, that will be submitted soon to the Ohio Department of Transportation, or ODOT, for possible funding.

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