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Government Section :: Page 137

  • The burning of Rabbit Run farmhouse

    Rabbit Run Farm Burn Video Still

    After purchasing Rabbit Run Farm on Dayton Street, Vernay Laboratories razed its farmhouse, due to concerns over the safety of the vacant building. The controlled burn was used as a training operation for Miami Township Fire-Rescue and other local fire departments on August 7, 2010.

  • Village Council—Sidewalk fixes to move ahead

    At their Aug. 2 Village Council meeting, Council members unanimously approved a resolution that allows the Village to move ahead with assessing local property owners on the east side of Xenia Avenue the cost of repairing sidewalks deemed substandard and unsafe. “This project has been on our radar a long time,” said Council member Karen Wintrow.

  • Yellow Springs monthly residential electrical consumption

    This is the first in a monthly report on the residential use of electric power within the village limits. View a chart of comparative residential electrical consumption.

  • Council agrees to smart plant

    At its meeting Monday, July 19, Village Council approved the first reading of an ordinance committing to a “Smart Power Plant” program of American Municipal Power. The program allows the Village’s residential and commercial power consumers to take advantage of consulting services on how to reduce energy consumption.

  • Village road surfaces are being sealed

    Surface sealing is being performed as preventive maintenance on some village streets to keep the asphalt pliable and greatly extend its life.

  • Tell me how your garden grows

    The steering committee for the local neighborhood gardens met to discuss the future of the project last Friday.

  • Council pursues levy renewal

    Continuing a discussion they had last month about the Village property tax levy, Village Council members at their meeting Monday, July 19, voiced a general preference to renew the five-year levy at its current rate.

  • Village commissions serve community

    Dedicated local volunteers who serve on Village commissions do much of the work to preserve and enhance the community. With vacancies on three key commissions, others have the opportunity to step up.

  • Rabbit Run burn postponed

    MTFR has postponed the July 17 controlled burn of the Rabbit Run farmhouse because of further mandated asbestos testing.

  • New Energy Board created

    At their July 6 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved the establishment of a Village Energy Board, an ongoing citizen volunteer group with a charge to work with Village staff to help reduce the Village’s carbon footprint in a variety of ways.

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