Government Section :: Page 67
A bittersweet departure from Council
It feels bittersweet to Council President Karen Wintrow to step down after 12 years on Council. Especially, she’ll miss the relationships with Village staff and her colleagues on Council.
Village Council moves to create social work job within YSPD
At Village Council’s Dec. 4 meeting, Council members and the Yellow Springs Police Department moved closer to hiring a full-time community outreach specialist, a new position that leaders hope strengthens the department’s ability to address social-service related calls.
A strong budget for 2018
At their Nov. 20 meeting, Village Council members gave final approval to the 2018 Village budget, which was described as looking healthier than budgets of recent years.
Village sidewalk projects aim for safety
Two construction projects now underway in Yellow Springs aim to make the village safer for walkers.
Today is officially Mayor Foubert Day
Nov. 25 is “David Foubert Day,” per a Nov. 20 proclamation by Village Council.
Lawson indicted on assault
Villager Barry Lawson remains in the Greene County Jail following an Oct. 25 incident in which he allegedly attacked a female, causing injuries.
Local pleads ‘not guilty’ to rape, drug charges
Michael M. Gentile, 20, pleaded not guilty Friday to rape, drug and vandalism offenses. The Yellow Springs resident was arraigned Nov. 3 at the Greene County Court of Common Pleas.
Police data sparks debate
A spirited discussion took place at Village Council’s Nov. 6 meeting regarding whether a Justice System Task Force member acted appropriately or not this week when he posted on Facebook controversial police department statistics in the context of criticism of a fellow JSTF member who was running for Village Council.
Reception for outgoing Mayor Dave Foubert
A reception to honor retiring mayor Dave Foubert will take place this Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Bryan Center.
Precinct-level results for Nov. 2017 election
About 50 percent of Yellow Springs voters cast ballots in yesterday’s elections. Results by precinct for the four local races and two state issues are provided here.
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