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Government Section :: Page 66

  • Council prioritizes housing — 2018 goal discussion begins

    At Village Council’s Feb. 5 meeting, Council members united around creating a housing plan as one of the 2018 Council goals.

  • Village Council prioritizes housing needs

    Yellow Springs is expected to grow in upcoming years at a more rapid rate than surrounding areas. To accommodate that growth, the village needs more housing than it currently has.

  • Winter hike along gorge to be revived

    Clifton Gorge in winter. (Photo from Ohio Division of Natural Areas and Preserves Facebook page.)

    A winter hike in the Little Miami River Gorge will be held Saturday, Feb. 17. A former annual tradition, this hike is being revived for the second year in a row and is co-sponsored by ODNR’s John Bryan State Park and Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve.

  • Yellow Springs’ new water plant is online

    Yellow Springs residents should notice changes in local tap water now that the new, long-awaited water plant is up and running, according to Village Manager Patti Bates recently.

  • New setting for water softeners

    Brown water continues to show up in areas around the village.

    With the Village of Yellow Springs’ new $7.2 million water plant now online, residents should adjust their water softeners to a new setting — 15 grains per gallon.

  • Study eyes housing gaps in Yellow Springs

    Yellow Springs has significant gaps in its current housing stock and the housing its citizens will need in upcoming years.

  • Village Council — YSPD promotions, Taser use

    At Village Council’s Jan. 2 meeting, Council members addressed administrative tasks and two police-related issues, among other topics.

  • Chillin’ in the freeze…

    Vaughn Hendrickson and Noah Horn were two of the hardy sledders took to Gaunt Park Hill, attempting the ultimate quest of “catching air” when shooshing over a hump of snow. (Photo by Matt Minde)

    New Year’s Day is rife with rituals and traditions.

  • 2017 Year in Review: Village Council

    More than 250 villagers crowded into the Bryan Center gym Tuesday night for a special Council meeting about tensions with police at the New Year’s Eve Ball Drop. About 40 people spoke, including Ian MacDonald, above. (Photo by Dylan Taylor-Lehman)

    2017 Year in Review: Village Council

  • Village Council— Blacks get more citations

    African-American villagers received citations from the YSPD at a significantly higher rate than to white villagers, according to a statistical study of local police data sponsored by the Justice System Task Force.

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