Government Section :: Page 66
Council prioritizes housing — 2018 goal discussion begins
At Village Council’s Feb. 5 meeting, Council members united around creating a housing plan as one of the 2018 Council goals.
Village Council prioritizes housing needs
Yellow Springs is expected to grow in upcoming years at a more rapid rate than surrounding areas. To accommodate that growth, the village needs more housing than it currently has.
Winter hike along gorge to be revived
A winter hike in the Little Miami River Gorge will be held Saturday, Feb. 17. A former annual tradition, this hike is being revived for the second year in a row and is co-sponsored by ODNR’s John Bryan State Park and Clifton Gorge State Nature Preserve.
Yellow Springs’ new water plant is online
Yellow Springs residents should notice changes in local tap water now that the new, long-awaited water plant is up and running, according to Village Manager Patti Bates recently.
New setting for water softeners
With the Village of Yellow Springs’ new $7.2 million water plant now online, residents should adjust their water softeners to a new setting — 15 grains per gallon.
Study eyes housing gaps in Yellow Springs
Yellow Springs has significant gaps in its current housing stock and the housing its citizens will need in upcoming years.
Village Council — YSPD promotions, Taser use
At Village Council’s Jan. 2 meeting, Council members addressed administrative tasks and two police-related issues, among other topics.
Chillin’ in the freeze…
New Year’s Day is rife with rituals and traditions.
2017 Year in Review: Village Council
2017 Year in Review: Village Council
Village Council— Blacks get more citations
African-American villagers received citations from the YSPD at a significantly higher rate than to white villagers, according to a statistical study of local police data sponsored by the Justice System Task Force.
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