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Government Section :: Page 64

  • Police data sparks debate

    A spirited discussion took place at Village Council’s Nov. 6 meeting regarding whether a Justice System Task Force member acted appropriately or not this week when he posted on Facebook controversial police department statistics in the context of criticism of a fellow JSTF member who was running for Village Council.

  • Reception for outgoing Mayor Dave Foubert

    A reception to honor retiring mayor Dave Foubert will take place this Wednesday, Nov. 15, from 6:30 to 9 p.m. at Bryan Center.

  • Precinct-level results for Nov. 2017 election

    About 50 percent of Yellow Springs voters cast ballots in yesterday’s elections. Results by precinct for the four local races and two state issues are provided here.

  • Election results in the village

    There are many new faces on the village’s governing bodies following the Nov. 7 election.

  • Let the sun shine…

    Pictured here in the first row are, from left, Village Manager Patti Bates, Superintendent of Electricity and Water Distribution Johnnie Burns (with big scissors), Council member Jerry Simms and Council President Karen Wintrow. Other Council members and project collaborators are also pictured. (Photo by Audrey Hackett)

    The Village’s new 1-megawatt solar array is now up and running on Village-owned property at Glass Farm.

  • Village Council — Airbnb regulation in question

    Village Council continued to grapple at its Oct. 16 meeting with how best to regulate local Airbnb lodging, and whether proposed legislation is too restrictive.

  • Election Day is here

    Local voters head to the polls today, Nov. 7, to cast their ballots on four local races and two state issues. Local polls are open from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.

  • Scam calls threaten arrest

    An older local woman received a phone call today, Nov. 3, from an unidentified source stating that “you will be taken under custody by the local cops” because there were “four serious allegations” against her. She was advised to call a phone number in order to not be picked up by police.

  • Village solar field goes online

    Rows of shiny new solar panels on the Glass Farm are the latest and most visible symbol of the Village of Yellow Springs’ commitment to green energy.

  • School board candidates — Hopefuls differ on facilities, PBL

    Last Wednesday and Thursday, more than 100 people per night attended the annual Candidates Night forums, presented by the James A. McKee Association, to spotlight candidates for local office. Shown above is the Thursday night audience for candidates for Miami Township Trustee, from left on stage, Mark Crockett, Don Hollister and Lamar Sparcklen. (Photo by Diane Chiddister)

    Last week, local candidates for school board presented their qualifications and answered questions at the annual Candidates Night Forum sponsored by the James A. McKee Association. On Wednesday, Oct. 18, candidates Steve Conn, Dawn Johnson, Steve McQueen and Aïda Merhemic presented their qualifications and answered audience questions. The four candidates are seeking the three open seats on the board.

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