Government Section :: Page 70
Council candidates, part 1: Two new faces, one veteran
For the next several weeks, the News will run profiles of candidates for Village Council, school board, Yellow Springs mayor and Township Trustee.
Activists are awake and watching
They’ve been dressing up in chicken suits each Monday and visiting downtown Dayton with signs suggesting that U.S. Representative Mike Turner, whose regional office is there, might be “a chicken” for not meeting yet this year with local constituents in a town hall setting.
Liquid asset
Construction continues at the new $7.2 million Village water plant on Jacoby Road, which broke ground in September 2016.
Street paving to begin this month
Crews from Jurgensen Companies construction will be paving streets in the Village in the next few weeks.
Village Council— Housing study takes shape
By the end of the year, the Village may have answers to questions of housing in Yellow Springs, thanks to a planned housing needs assessment, or HNA, to be conducted by an outside firm.
White nationalist fliers removed from village stop signs
Five stop signs on and near the Antioch College campus were defaced with white nationalist fliers overnight between Sunday, Aug. 27, and Monday, Aug. 28, according to Yellow Springs police.
Broad slate of candidates as village, township races kick off
Local voters will have a broad slate of candidates from which to choose in the Nov. 7 general election races for Yellow Springs Mayor, Village Council, Board of Education and Miami Township Trustees.
Village Council — CBE engineering contract approved
At its Aug. 21 regular meeting, Village Council unanimously approved a contract for engineering services on the Village-owned property known as the CBE on the western edge of Yellow Springs.
Bike trails to temporarily close in September for maintenance
Nearly $133,000 from the Transportation Administration Funds administered through the Ohio Department of Transportation and the Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission will be invested into the maintenance of Greene County’s paved trails managed by Greene County Parks & Trails (GCP&T) with a crack filling and seal coating project scheduled for September.
Meter man Upchurch on the mend
Yellow Springs native and Village meter reader Brian Upchurch may not befriend everyone he meets, but it’s not for lack of effort on his part.
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