Government Section :: Page 69
Yellow Springs News 2017 Voter’s Guide
This voter’s guide contains information about the local candidates and issues that will appear on the Nov. 7 ballot for Yellow Springs and Miami Township residents.
Local man charged with assault
A local man has been charged with felonious assault following an incident on South High Street on the afternoon of Wednesday, Oct. 26
Witnesses help stop reported attack on South High Street
Yellow Springs residents helped stop an apparent attack on a woman yesterday, Oct. 25, in the 300 block of South High Street. Two women were reportedly attacked, with non-life-threatening injuries.
Villagers asked to weigh in — Housing survey launched
Yellow Springs residents are being asked by Village government to take part in a survey about local housing and housing needs.
Four mayoral candidates offer varied visions for position
This is the last in a series of articles featuring candidates for local office on Nov. 7. This article’s focus is the four candidates running for the seat of longtime mayor David Foubert.
Two veterans, one challenger for township trustee seats
This week the News focuses on candidates for Miami Township Trustee — Mark Crockett, Don Hollister and Lamar Spracklen — who are running for the township’s two open seats.
JSTF reports to Council — Police changes in process
Since its inception about a year ago, the Justice System Task Force, or JSTF, has made several recommendations for changes at the Yellow Springs Police Department.
Village Council — ‘Pocket’ neighborhoods pass
At its Sept. 18 meeting, Village Council gave final approval to a new development tool that allows smaller, denser housing in Yellow Springs.
Part 2: Three new faces running in Village Council race
This is the second in a two-part story on candidates for the three open seats on Village Council.
Village Council— Town-gown ties strong
Antioch College President Tom Manley praised the way the college and Yellow Springs, both “extraordinary places,” support one other.
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