Wagner Subaru

Government Section :: Page 87

  • High-speed internet discussed as Village utility

    Tim Barhorst, left, chair of the Springs-Net nonprofit and Thor Sage of the Miami Valley Educational Computer Association, or MVECA, are among the organizers of the Fiber Forum, to take place Saturday, April 25, beginning at 9 a.m. at MVECA on East Enon Road. (Photo by Carol Simmons)

    Internet access has become a utility, say community members who are urging Village leaders to construct a fiber optic network that would provide high-speed Internet access for the entire town.

  • First phase of Skate Park renovations to be unveiled

    The YS Skate Park will complete its first phase of renovations on May 30, to be unveiled at Skate Fest on June 13, during Street Fair. (photo by Lauren Heaton)

    On Saturday, June 13, noon–5 p.m., during Street Fair, the Village of Yellow Springs will unveil its first phase of upgrades to the Skate Park at the John Bryan Community Center.

  • Mostly warnings on YSPD late shift

    During a ride-along with this reporter last Friday evening, Village police displayed an eagerness to explain their process and offer the perspective of an on-duty officer.

  • Village Council— Landlords protest change

    At Village Council’s March 16 meeting, Council members heard a second full-throated protest by local landlords to a proposed new Village policy holding landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts.

  • Council nears water softening vote

    A group of Village officials and staff members visited this water treatment plant, in Jackson County, Ohio, recently to observe the plant’s pellet softening process. Council will likely vote at its April 6 meeting on whether to add pellet softening to the new water plant. Shown above are tanks used in the process. (Submitted photo by John Yung)

    Village Council is close to approving a water softening component to its proposed new water plant, slated for construction in 2016.

  • Police explain the status quo

    The Yellow Springs Police Department will continue to employ one officer on the Greene County ACE Task Force to help contain violent crime in the region. The local police will also continue to call the SWAT team when appropriate to ensure the village’s safety during violent and potentially harmful situations. The size of the department […]

  • Balancing a low crime rate with high policing costs

    While last year there were 28 murders in the City of Dayton and more than 1,200 violent crimes there, violence in Yellow Springs has barely been an issue, with an average of about three violent incidents each year for the last seven.

  • Village Council — Yellow Springs backs marriage equality

    At their March 16 meeting, Village Council members unanimously passed a resolution supporting marriage equality, making the Village the third municipality in Ohio to endorse same-sex marriage.

  • Need for drug task force in village eyed

    Ten years after first signing on with A.C.E. drug task force, Yellow Springs remains an active partner. However, the involvement of local police in the drug task force has become a topic of controversy.

  • Village Council — Sidewalk solution is elusive

    At its March 2 meeting, Village Council heard a presentation from Superintendent of Streets and Parks Jason Hamby on how best to address the current problem of subpar sidewalks. According to Hamby, the best path is to replace all Village sidewalks with new ones. “Only fixng the “troubled areas” is installing a Band-Aid on an […]

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