Government Section :: Page 89
News survey— Village police elicit mixed responses
Some villagers fear for their own safety because they believe the Yellow Springs Police Department unfairly targets them. Others believe the police force is so professional and respectful that any critique of the force is unjustified.
Yellow Springs water loop construction continues
Village utility crews are working on the loop completion project of the Village water system, which aims to improve water pressure and fire flow to downtown businesses, residents and Antioch College.
Kids get kicks (and fire truck rides!) with Miami Township Fire-Rescue
The local fire and EMS squad held a fundraiser this weekend during National Emergency Medical Service Week.
Village Council finds unity on utility bill change
Unified support around a proposed policy change to hold landlords responsible for their tenants’ utility debts emerged again at Village Council’s May 4 meeting, when Council voted 5–0 in favor of the change.
Yellow Springs police flush by comparison
Policing is unique to each community, and each police department is designed around its own community’s population, budget, crime trends, minimum manning levels and sometimes a detailed work-load analysis. But comparing Yellow Springs police to police in comparable towns highlights some similarities and some differences between departments.
Southeast Asian professionals visit village
Two southeast Asian professionals are visiting Yellow Springs for a month as part of a cultural and professional exchange.
Voters approve Yellow Springs school district levy
Yellow Springs and Miami Township voters approved the local school district’s levy renewal at the polls on Tuesday, May 5.
Village Council— Village climate plan urged
While Yellow Springs has taken a good first step by shifting to more renewable energy sources, there is much more Village government could do to help the village become a model in addressing climate change.
Village using pesticide alternatives
Warning signs pop up on local lawns each spring as local residents contract with companies to treat their lawns with chemical pesticides and fertilizers for the season.
Council stand on utilities is giving way
The unanimous stand taken by Village Council at its last meeting for holding property owners responsible for their tenants’ utility debts began crumbling at Monday’s meeting, when two Council members formerly for the policy change weighed in against it, and another expressed ambivalence.
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