
Village Life Section :: Page 44

  • Down to Earth — Help to craft sustainability plan

    “Given this history and the wealth of expertise in our community, we’re long overdue for a comprehensive Climate Action and Sustainability Plan, or CASP.”

  • West Nile Virus detected in Bellbrook mosquitoes

    Greene County Public Health received notice from the Ohio Department of Health, or ODH, that West Nile Virus was detected in a mosquito sample sent to ODH.

  • Climate Action and Sustainability Plan underway in Yellow Springs

    Piper Fernwey worked at colleges and companies across the midwest developing farm-to-table programs and climate change responses. At Denison University, she helped the cafeteria source 40% of its food locally. Now, the Clifton resident is tasked with drafting a Climate Action and Sustainability Plan for the Village of Yellow Springs.

  • A fond farewell to Coach Jimmy

    Summer after summer after summer, villagers have seen him out on the T-ball diamond at Gaunt Park every Friday night: baseball hat perched on his head, hair tied back in a ponytail, a big grin spreading across his face, surrounded by laughing, shouting kids.

  • Poverty the focus of local simulation

    On Wednesday, June 30, 28 villagers pondered these and other dilemmas facing fictional characters in the Virtual Cost of Poverty Experience, a 90-minute poverty simulation that is designed to help people better understand the effects of poverty.

  • COVID-19 Update — August 5, 2021

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    COVID-19 cases continue to climb in the state and county due to the highly contagious Delta variant. Ohio’s COVID-19 per capita case incidence rate rose to 77.4 cases per 100,000 for the two weeks ending July 29, up from 48.5 for the two weeks prior.

  • Tin Can Economy — A space in the school for the swifts

    Walk over to the Union School House on a clear late summer evening and you’ll see them. Swooping and darting through the dusk, conducting aerial dramas against the backdrop of a setting sun: chimney swifts. Hundreds of them.

  • Taekwondo expert to teach self-defense class

    Master Christina Bayley, owner of Total Taekwondo Fitness, is hosting a self-defense class in Yellow Springs on Aug. 21 for ages 13 and up. Students will learn defense tactics and the best time to use them.

  • Village PO clerk documents living with ‘long COVID’

    Most Americans are familiar with the most common symptoms of the illness caused by the coronavirus: fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, persistent cough, and loss of taste and/or smell. But what about when the symptoms of COVID linger, unfurling beyond two to six weeks into long months? What happens when those symptoms shift and evolve?

  • Perry League’s ‘Busy, busy, busy’ field

    “And that’s our rain-soaked, muddy July 16 Perry League, Yellow Springs’ T-ball program for all kids 2–9 years of age, regardless of their race, color, creed, sexual orientation, ethnicity, spiritual inclination or practice, ability or disability.”

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