
Village Life Section :: Page 53

  • Virus impact grows in Yellow Springs

    Three local businesses are closing for the winter during what their owners expect to be a grim few months of the pandemic. Whether other seasonal closures will follow in Yellow Springs remains to be seen.

  • Your 2020 in six words (or one photo)

    A computer with an open, blank document, flanked by a December 2020 calendar and a copy of the YS News.

    It’s easy to write a lot when there’s so much to say about 2020. We challenge you to distill your year into just six words and send those words to us.

  • ‘Chop wood, carry water’— Trainer offers tips for healthy winter

    As the winter months approach, many Americans are thinking about how they’ll stay healthy and combat the “winter blues” once it turns cold — especially as the pandemic continues unabated.

  • Thought for Food— A pork pie for the anxious

    In last week’s “Thought for Food” column, Lauren “Chuck” Shows offers up a hearty remedy for these anxious, trying times: a Cheshire pork pie recipe.

  • COVID-19 cases mount in YS

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    While the village has lagged surrounding communities in its rate and spread of COVID-19, local organizations and businesses are beginning to see — and in some instances publicly announce — more positive cases here.

  • DeWine outlines vaccine distribution plan

    Ohio is about 10 days away from receiving its first shipment of COVID-19 vaccines. Frontline health care workers, emergency medical personnel and residents and staff at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and other congregate living settings will be the first recipients of the vaccine.

  • News from the Past

    In last week’s “News from the Past” column, contributing writer Don Hollister did another dive into the YS News archives and compiled some of the more compelling headlines that occurred in past Novembers.

  • Local COVID-19 response— Village steps up enforcement

    As the third wave of the coronavirus rages through the state and county, the Village of Yellow Springs is cracking down on behaviors that could further spread COVID-19 in town.

  • Protest held outside Gov. DeWine home

    On Friday, Nov. 20, nearly 200 demonstrators gathered outside Gov. Mike DeWine’s home in Cedarville Township to protest his and the Ohio Department of Health’s COVID-19-related mandates, including the statewide mask order and the 10 p.m. curfew.

  • COVID-19 contact tracing— More cases, more contacts

    Photo: CDC/Dr. Fred Murphy, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Public Health; public domain.

    The local health department’s contact tracing team now includes nine people, including employees from the Ohio Department of Health, part of the state’s scaled-up contact tracing workforce.

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