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Youth Section :: Page 7

  • Students, teachers jam to their own success

    During Friday’s all-school assembly, Principal Tim Krier asked all the teachers to stand and be recognized for their hard work over the past two years of continuous improvement for the district.

  • YSKP invites adults to join the fun

    YS Kids Playhouse is widening its scope this fall by opening up some of its youth dance classes to adults who want to boogie too.

  • All’s fair in cows and chickens

    In the shade of the barn at the Greene County Fair on Thursday, Yellow Springs youth tended to their animals between shows. The Husky Hustlers 4-H club was represented by Anna Semler, who brought two yearling heifers and two heifer calves. Also part of the club, Keturah, Corbett and Kaliyah Fulton were busy caring for […]

  • Yellow Springs kids play Fair to win

    At his family’s farm last week across from Dollar General, 16-year-old Austin Pence was using the cool of the dusk to wash and blow dry two of his favorite animals. Mabel, a year-old heifer, and Bart, a 17-month-old steer, hung by the white barn calm and collected as their black coats began to take on a fluffiness.

  • YSKP rehearses for ‘Oceans of Notions’

    YSKP rehearsed for the summer’s second production, Oceans of Notions (Lakes of Mistakes), with visiting director Lenard Petit this week at the Presbyterian Church.

  • The Quilt Barn Project

    A local 4H club put up the first in a series of painted quilt designs last Sunday afternoon.

  • T-ball tooth fairies, divas, sluggers

    Siobhan McCane Stewart, 4, was out by second base, scooping up ground balls in her new and beautiful, shiny black and brilliant snow white, all-leather Rawlings fielder’s mitt.

  • Another sweet, goofy t-ball night

    Oriah Foley was one of many enthusiastic t-ball players last Friday, June 11, at Gaunt Park. T-ball meets there each Friday evening from 6:30–8 p.m. and is open to all 2 to 9 year olds and their parents. (Photo by Aaron Zaremsky)

    The Perry League’s 2010 opening night was almost rained out on Friday, June 4. It rained like crazy for about an hour before we took the field.

  • Sea Dogs start season with a splash

    Miriam Barcus led the Sea Dogs swim team in early morning stretches at Gaunt Park this month to prepare them for the start of another wet season in the pool. (Submitted photo)

    The Yellow Springs Sea Dogs had their first two meets last week. The team swam well and had plenty of fun.

  • Spring!

    Kids leap into the blue spring sky

    It might be the weather, it might be youth, but the combination proved irresistible last Sunday morning.

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