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Village Schools Section :: Page 65

  • Merhemic, Scott, Conn on school board

    Aïda Merhemic, Evan Scott and Steve Conn (submitted photos)

    Incumbent school board member Aïda Merhemic took the day at the polls winning the top number of votes to return her to the board along with two new members, Evan Scott and Steven Conn. Merhemic won 1,027 votes, or 23.7 percent of the total, while Scott had 954 votes and Conn had 940, about 22 percent each.

  • Mills Lawn School holds Veterans Day flag retirement ceremony

    Many Mills Lawn School students, teachers and veterans participated this Veterans Day in a flag retirement ceremony, wherein a flag too damaged to fly as a fitting emblem is burned. (Photos and video by Matt Minde)

    This Veterans Day, students participated in a flag retirement ceremony, led by the Yellow Springs Girl Scout Troop No. 30349.

  • YSHS stage lights up for second weekend of Almost, Maine

    YSHS’s fall play “Almost, Maine” continues this weekend at Mills Lawn auditorium.

  • School board forum— Candidates address safety, governance

    The appropriate role of school board members in regard to school administrators was a focus at both school board candidates’ forums this week and last, as villagers heard candidates speak about their reasons for seeking office, and answer questions.

  • Mills Lawn School brings out Halloween spirits, and more…

    Bursts of color and activity filled the Mills Lawn School gymnasium as kids cavorted in costumes. (Photos by Matt Minde)

    Although Beggars Night was rescheduled, Mills Lawn School’s annual Halloween Parade did take place, albeit in the slightly more accommodating confines of the school gymnasium.

  • YSCAPE funds school change

    When in 2011 the local school district established its 10-year strategic roadmap for modernizing public education in Yellow Springs, leaders didn’t yet know how they would fund the change.

  • Toot sweet: a fundraiser to replace aging recorders

    Come to the Mills Lawn School Busking Booth tent this Street Fair weekend and hear some great performances for a great cause.

    Mills Lawn School students will help offset the cost of replacing the recorders in the music room by performing for cash on the street in the MLS PTO Street Fair “Busking Booth.”

  • Leading Yellow Springs Schools a delicate balance

    Maintaining a leadership team in the Yellow Springs Schools that always agrees is seldom possible; the schools struggle at times to balance the shared authority granted by the state to both the local school board and the school administration.

  • YSI Inc. immerses kids in water

    Mills Lawn Elementary School fifth and sixth graders took a field trip last week to YSI Inc. (a Xylem brand) to learn about local and global water issues as part of a collaboration with the water-monitoring equipment manufacturer. YSI/Xylem has also purchased water test kits for the school to commemorate World Water Monitoring Day. Here students in Dionne Barclay’s fifth-grade class work together to keep a giant model of the earth afloat, symbolizing the need for everyone to chip in to save the planet. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    On a recent field trip, the Mills Lawn Elementary School fifth and sixth graders spent a day at YSI Inc. (a Xylem brand), learning about local and global water issues, and bounced a giant model of earth to symbolize the need for everyone to chip in to save the planet.

  • Help feed the school’s PBL beast this weekend

    Yellow Springs school’s first annual Homecoming Pig Roast is happening at Peifer Orchards this Saturday as a fun fundraiser for the schools.

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