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Yellow Springs High School Section :: Page 13

  • One-Acts take on a variety of performances

    The YSHS One-Act plays will be presented this Friday, Feb. 17, at the Mills Lawn auditorium.

  • Local girls invited to “A Girls Night Out”

    YSHS and McKinney girls are invited to “A Girls Night Out” on Saturday, Feb. 4, 7-11 p.m. at YSHS.

  • Three students recognized as National Merit Scholars

    Three Yellow Springs High School students were honored by the National Merit Scholarship Program this year.

  • YSHS and McKinney students win art awards

    This week McKinney School students won $1,000 for their school from a local calendar competition while Yellow Springs High School students were given regional awards in the 2012 scholastic art competition.

  • School breaks open 2020 plan

    After a year of brainstorming, researching and discussing the wide world of education, the Yellow Springs school district presents its first draft of the Class of 2020 10-year strategic plan.

  • Students cultivate strong voices

    YSHS student facilitators Ben Green and Lucy Callahan, background, moderated a discussion for McKinney Middle School students on problem-solving school issues. The facilitators are part of an effort to train student leaders who can advocate for themselves and others to solve issues that youth find important. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    Yellow Springs High School students have been learning how to give voice to those who want it and to help students and adults share their views with each other.

  • Class of 2020 Initiative — Executive Summary

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY — Yellow Springs Exempted School District Class of 2020 Initiative Strategic Plan, 2011-2020 Draft.

  • Students lead students to solve issues their way

    Yellow Springs High School and McKinney Middle School students engaged in an all-day workshop Tuesday on how to resolve some of the issues they find problematic at their school.

  • ‘We’re cookin’ ’ at YSHS/McKinney

    Students returned to McKinney and Yellow Springs High School this week to new teachers and returning teachers in different positions, including from left, Principal Tim Krier, athletic director Steve Rossi, guidance counselor Linda Sikes, math and physics teacher Jeff Collins, guidance and main office secretary Pam Stephens, math teacher and assistant principal Jack Hatert, secretary Julie Lorenzo and study hall aide Paul Comstock. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    During Tim Krier’s first year as principal at Yellow Springs High School/McKinney, teachers and staff met in small groups considering how they could serve students better.

  • Joyce McCurdy retires — Imparting the complexity of past

    When Joyce McCurdy left her teaching job in Springfield and took a pay cut to come to Yellow Springs schools, classes were still being held at Bryan High School, right next to the train that ran through town. That was 1968

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