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Yellow Springs High School Section :: Page 11

  • Valedictorian, salutatorian— Grades are good, learning’s better

    Lois Miller, valedictorian, and Hunter Lawson are members of the National Honor Society and received academic scholarships from their respective colleges. They will speak at the YSHS graduation on May 30 at 7 p.m.

  • Kids learn chemistry by hand

    The Periodic Table, a chart of the earth’s elements organized by their chemical similarities, could be considered dry academic material. But make a game out of it, and suddenly the urge to know more about each element, its atomic weight and relation to the others, is not only necessary but kind of fun.

  • YSHS fall play picks up the pieces

    This year’s fall play at Yellow Springs High School has been full of drama with an unscripted denouement. Plagued by chronic absences and a slew of actors dropping out, three weeks into rehearsals for Arthur Miller’s The Crucible, the production was scrapped.

  • YSHS theatrical review showcases acting talent

    This year’s fall play at Yellow Springs High School, a theatrical review featuring scenes from The Crucible, Peter Pan and more, opens on Friday, Nov. 2.

  • PTO to talk Project BRITE STAR

    The YSHS and McKinney PTO will hold its next meeting on Monday, Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. in the YSHS/McKinney cafeteria.

  • Teachers aim for big ideas

    Every six seconds a child somewhere in the world dies from hunger. Leaders hunger for power, scholars hunger for knowledge, and demonstrators hunger to make statements about change. And everyone, big and small, hungers for love. Hunger is a big word, and its many iterations are the theme of this year’s McKinney School and Yellow Springs High School experience.

  • New teachers at McKinney, YSHS

    Brandon Lowry, Nancy Beers, Karleen Materne and Cameron McCoy

  • From classrooms to coral reefs

    McKinney School seventh- and eighth-grade science teacher Terry Graham retires at the end of the school year to return to science field work and spend more time with family. Here Graham shows off a student project on the rainforest. During her 12 years at McKinney, Graham said she enjoyed encouraging student creativity and teamwork through projects. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Now entering a new phase of her life, Terry Graham, a former field biologist, retires at the end of the school year as science teacher to head back into the field.

  • Mike DeWine visits YSHS— Native son faces local heat

    Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine told Yellow Springs High School and McKinney School students to be independent thinkers and sparred with them over the gay marriage issue at an assembly last week. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine returned last week to his alma mater, Yellow Springs High School, and shared with students his opinions on gay marriage, abortion and President Obama.

  • Top students’ nod to village

    Erika Chick was named the valedictorian and Savita Bathija the salutatorian of their YSHS class of 2012. They will speak at graduation at 7 p.m. on Thursday, May 31, at the high school. (Photo by Lauren Heaton)

    The pressures of being students and trying to make plans for the future have reared their Cerberean heads in the lives of Yellow Springs High School seniors Erika Chick and Savita Bathija.

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