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  • Jeanne Adams Beauman

    Jeanne Adams Beauman died December 24, 2009 at Madison County Hospital. She was 79. Jeanne was born January 5, 1930 in Springfield, the daughter of Rama and Florence Kerns Campbell. She was married to Robert Adams of Yellow Springs on June 17, 1955. She is survived by her children, Marsha Hickman and husband Tony and […]

  • Norman C. Legge

    Norman C. Legge died with family attending on May 14 at Friends Care Center. He was 83. Norman was born June 12, 1926, to Rev. Charles W. and Jean (Meyer) Legge in Stratton, Vt., and was raised in Greenwich, Conn. Norman married Lynnette J. Newland on Nov. 16, 1952. In 1944, he volunteered for service […]

  • Walter L. Cummings

    Walter L. Cummings died Saturday, May 22. He was 105. Walter was born April 14, 1905, and grew to adulthood at his family’s farm on the Federal Pike, Greene County. He was the first son born to Arthur and Martha Hannaberry Cummings, joining an older sister, Lois, and later two younger brothers, Lloyd and Paul (Bus), who […]

  • Eddie Eckenrode

    Longtime village resident Edward Reit Eckenrode III, originally of Harrisburg, Pa., died peacefully at home on Tuesday night. The co-owner, with his wife Samantha, of the downtown store Sam and Eddie’s Open Books, Eddie struggled with cancer over the last several months. A memorial service is tentatively scheduled for 2 p.m. Sunday, May 30, at […]

  • A 10-day taste of Yellow Springs

    A village-wide collaboration of nearly 20 local organizations, the Yellow Springs Experience week, featuring educational and cultural workshops, will take place July 9–18. Shown above are organizers, from left to right in the back row, Carole Braun of the Yellow Springs Arts Council, Lisa Hunt of YS Kids Playhouse, Nick Gaskins of Bing Design, Krista Magaw of Tecumseh Land Trust, and Tom Brookey of Antioch College. In the middle row are Anita Brown of the Arts Council, Laura Carlson of the Center for the Arts and Little Art Theatre, Karen Wintrow of Chamber of Commerce, Jerome Borchers of the Center for the Arts and Iris Weisman of Antioch University McGregor and the Antioch Writers’ Workshop. In the front row are Fred Bartenstein of Facilitators Without Borders and Kathy Reed of the Arts Council.

    A brave group of people, under the guidance of the Yellow Springs Arts Council, are designing a 10-day cultural tasting event this summer called the Yellow Springs Experience to celebrate core strengths of the Village and gauge their ability to generate revenue for the town.

  • Levy timeline considered

    At their May 17 meeting, Village Council members discussed a possible timetable for a renewal or replacement of the Village five-year property tax levy, which will stop generating revenues of $876,000 per year at the end of 2010.

  • Affordability leader in YS

    The Home, Inc. community land trust organization — which creates affordable housing by having homeowners pay only for the house, with the land staying in a community trust — along with the Yellow Springs Village Council, hopes to jumpstart a conversation on affordable housing.

  • This portrait’s free for an old classmate

    Village filmmaker Joe Lurie was in Kieth's Alley on his way to work at The Winds on Wednesday when he ran into former YSHS classmate Aaron Zaremsky, who was scouting suitable photo subjects. Joe said he'd pose for $20, but he ended up doing it for free. Aaron, just graduated from Kenyon College, is doing freelance photography for the News.

    Village filmmaker Joe Lurie, on his way to work at The Winds, posed against a Kieth’s Alley mural for his former Yellow Springs High School classmate Aaron Zaremsky, who was scouting the village for suitable photo subjects. Lurie said he’d pose for $20, but he ended up doing it for free.

  • Got Grampa by the tail

    An unseasonably warm sunny day Tuesday brought villagers out to the streets, including Romy Farrar and her ferret, Grampa, who were relaxing in the pocket park between the Emporium and the Senior Center. Romy has had Grampa for two years, and he enjoys getting petted by friends and passersby.

    These Yellow Springs News photos are available Copies of this and other photographs may be purchased from the Yellow Springs News; please contact us via e-mail at, or by phone, between 9:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m., Mon.–Fri.

  • BLOG – Off to Ireland again…

    One can only gad about Yellow Springs for so long before coming to a halt at the village limits. So come let us meander to a land of melody, mirth, meadow, and mist: It can only be Ireland.

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