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  • Low-income senior housing builder presents to Council

    At their May 17 meeting, members of Village Council heard a presentation on low-income senior housing from Lynn Dalton, president of the Franklin Foundation of Columbus. The nonprofit group has built 14 senior communities in Ohio, and is interested in partnering with the Village or local nonprofits to build one in Yellow Springs.

  • Jason Lee Bingenheimer

    Jason Lee Bingenheimer died Friday, May 14. Jason was born in Oklahoma City, but lived most of his childhood through high school in Yellow Springs. At the time of his death, Jason was living near Galveston, Texas, where he worked for Coates Field Service.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    Junior Carl Weiner was the lone Bulldog on the YSHS tennis team to advance to the second round of the Div. II sectional tournament held at Troy High School last week.

  • Rec baseball needs volunteers

    Volunteers are needed to help this summer with youth recreational baseball. There is a need for assistant coaches for both minor and major leagues, as well as field preparation for infield (which will not include mowing).

  • Baseball alumni to play

    The YSHS baseball team invites all current and past players to participate in the annual alumni game on Friday, May 21. The gathering will begin with a potluck at 6:30 p.m., and those planning to attend should bring a dish to share.

  • Swim team registration soon

    Registration for the Sea Dogs swim team will be held Tuesday, June 1, 6–7:30 p.m. in the YSHS cafeteria. Students ages 4–18 are invited to register for the team.

  • 2nd place at meet, 1st for Gudge

    YSHS boys track and field coach John Gudgel led his team to a second-place finish in the Metro Buckeye League meet at Troy Christian High School on May 14. During the meet Gudgel, along with head girls coach Vince Peters, juggled the many responsibilities of a high school track coach.

  • Paul Hull Sr.

    Paul Gregory Hull Sr. of Yellow Springs died March 20. Paul was a veteran of the United States Air Force. He thrived on his own business of architecture called “The Fine Line.”

  • Cosey, Johnson meet standouts

    Chris Johnson jumped to fourth place at Tuesday's district track meet

    An unseasonably chilly day couldn’t cool off the Bulldogs’ Mario Cosey and Chris Johnson during the Division-III district meet at Welcome Stadium in Dayton on Tuesday, May 18.Cosey left no doubt as to who was the fastest athlete on the track.

  • Summer basketball

    Youth and high school basketball players and their parents who are interested in finding out about summer basketball programs can visit for details.

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