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  • Farewell to Gudgel

    Retiring Yellow Springs principal John Gudgel at a reception held in his honor.

    Departing Yellow Springs High School Principal John Gudgel greeted a steady stream of current and former students, parents, teachers, colleagues and friends at a farewell reception on Sunday at the Glen Helen building. Gudgel spent 30 years in the school district as a teacher, guidance counselor and principal, a position he held for the last […]

  • College board meets in village

    Antioch board meets in YS

    The board of the newly independent Antioch College held a three-day meeting in Yellow Springs, from Friday, May 21, to Sunday, May 23, at the Herndon Gallery of South Hall. Much of the meeting was in open session, while parts were closed to the public. The open sessions were streamed live. This was the board’s […]

  • Antioch College makes list of Top Nontraditional Colleges

    Even with no students, the newly revived Antioch College has found its way to the list of America’s Top Non-Traditional Colleges, published by the Huffington Post Web site on May 20.

  • Community Votes on Visioning Actions

    Carl Bryan votes for an action strategy at the visioning open house on Thursday afternoon. The open house continues on Friday, May 21, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m in Rooms A and B at the Bryan Center. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    More than 60 community members participated in the third and final public phase of Yellow Springs/Miami Township Visioning process, “Shape Our Future.” At the open house, each participant voted for five actions, out of 78 total, they believe should have the highest priority.

  • Grand Prix Criterium canceled

    The Yellow Springs Grand Prix Criterium that was scheduled for Friday night May 21 has been canceled due to scheduling difficulties, according to the Yellow Springs Chamber of Commerce. However, Friday night is still a Third Friday Fling, so from 6–9 Yellow Springs will be lively with music, dancing, wine tasting, gallery openings, shopping and […]

  • Getting a bigger life, in Cuba

    Jeanne Lemkau, shown here on a trip to Cuba last January, has recently published a memoir, Lost and Found in Cuba: A Tale of Midlife Rebellion.

    Clinical psychologist Jeanne Lemkau went from a windowless office at the Wright State Medical Center to living with nuns inside a leprosy sanatorium in Cuba, and from a career track in academic medicine to international activism and public education.

  • Passive House is an active goal

    Andrew and Anisa Kline of Green Generation Building Company stand at the construction site of their Yellow Springs Passive House on Dayton Street, which will be completed in July. They hope their structure meets the rigorous energy efficiency standards of the Passive House.

    Andrew Kline is already the youngest builder in Yellow Springs. But the 29-year-old general contractor also wants to be the greenest. With his newly formed company, Green Generation Building, and the construction of his first energy-efficient home nearing completion, Kline is well on his way to establishing himself as a green builder. If Kline and […]

  • Two seek radical change

    YSHS 2010 Valedictorian John Michael Malone and Salutatorian Dylan Amlin

    Friends and classmates since they were in elementary school at Mills Lawn, the Yellow Springs High School class of 2010 valedictorian John Michael Malone and salutatorian Dylan Amlin have plans. But they’re not plans in the typical sense. In fact, beyond college, their plans hinge precisely on not having a defined path with goals that would lead them to a job, a house and “settling down.”

  • YSHS students recognized for achievements

    2010 National Honor Society members

    As is the tradition in May of every year, Yellow Springs High School recognized many of its students, especially its seniors, at the annual National Honor Society scholarship awards ceremony.

  • Feedback for visioning sought

    Yellow Springs and Miami Township community residents are encouraged to take part in an open house, “Shape Our Future,” the third public participation phase of the ongoing visioning process that began almost a year ago, and that winds up soon.

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