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  • Lewis Borton

    Lewis Borton died Thursday, June 17, at Greene Memorial Hospital. He was 89 years old.

  • BLOG — Lost and found or not

    We’ve several categories of lost and found at the front in various containers and sometimes, lost people.

  • NPR’s Zickefoose to lead nature workshop

    Author and NPR commentator Julie Zickefoose will give a workshop at the Marianist Environmental Education Center on July 9, as part of Tecumseh Land Trust’s 20th anniversary celebration, “Stories of People and the Land.”

  • Friends drops plans for Barr property

    Leaders of Friends Care Community announced this week that they will not pursue the senior apartment building they had planned for the Barr property downtown, due to the economic downturn and Friends’ commitment to keeping the rent affordable.

  • Juneteenth a Scrumptious Affair

    Juneteenth celebrations included a pie contest and Motown dancing last Friday night at the Bryan Center.

  • Steve Schwerner receives Antioch alumni award

    Steve Schwerner, a former Antioch College student, professor and Dean of Students was given the J.D. Dawson Award at this year's alumni reunion for his years of service at the college. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Former Antioch professor and dean of students Steve Schwerner received the J.D. Dawson award at this year’s alumni reunion for his decades of service to the college.

  • Alumni come to town

    A larger-than-life Arthur Morgan welcomes Antioch College alumni, who begin a four-day reunion today. About 260 have registered so far, but up to 100 more may show up as well, according to college Assistant Development Director Aimee Maruyama. Alumna Eleanor Holmes Norton, the U.S. Congresswoman from Washington, D.C., will speak at the Saturday, June 22, alumni dinner.

    A larger-than-life Arthur Morgan welcomes Antioch College alumni, who begin a four-day reunion today. About 260 have registered so far, but up to 100 more may show up as well, according to college Assistant Development Director Aimee Maruyama.

  • Council looks at affordability

    Village Council needs to decide whether it intends to make affordable housing a priority before moving ahead with a specific project, John Davis told Council members at their June 7 meeting.

  • McGregor is Antioch Midwest

    As of July 1, Antioch University McGregor will be known by its new name, Antioch University Midwest. The name change was announced last Saturday, June 12.

  • AAUP: college closing not necessary

    Last weekend the American Association of University Professors, or AAUP, officially voted to sanction Antioch University for infringements of governance standards for actions related to the closing of Antioch College.

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