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  • A solar pioneer, paving the way

    On her roof on Stewart Drive, Pat Brown’s 10 new solar panels convert the sun’s rays into electricity and send it to the Yellow Springs electric grid. She is the first Greene County resident to install grid-tied solar photovoltaic panels. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Thirty years ago, Pat Brown was arrested while marching for peace. Now she finds herself again on the front lines — this time of an alternative energy revolution — as the first resident in Yellow Springs to install grid-tied solar photovoltaic panels.

  • Nonstop dialogues seek the new

    In March Nonstop presented Ashley Dawson of the City University of New York and Malini Schueller of the University of Florida who, via video teleconference, interacted with audience members in the Nonstop series on higher education. (Submitted photo by Migiwa Orimo)

    Never ones to be constrained by conventional thinking, members of Nonstop Institute are taking an unusual approach to bringing interesting thinkers to Yellow Springs in their series of talks this spring on higher education.

  • Stutzman’s land for lease

    The 20-acre plot of Village-owned land on U.S. 68 North that formerly housed Stutzman’s Garden and Landscaping Center will be available for rent within a few months, according to Village Council at its June 7 meeting.

  • Village of Yellow Springs Public Meetings

    Meetings are held in Council Chambers unless otherwise noted.

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, June 21, 2010, 7:00 p.m. in the Council room, second floor, Bryan Community Center

  • Antioch alumni beautify campus

    Antioch College alumni weed a Livermore street flower bed as part of the annual pre-reunion work project on campus. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    This week 65 Antioch College alumni and supporters flocked to campus for the annual pre-reunion work project. Amidst sounds of jackhammers, drills, saws and grass cutters, the dedicated crew planted flowers, restored benches, painted walls, repaired stairs and pruned trees.

  • Village Commission Vacancies

    The Council of the Village of Yellow Springs invites citizens to apply for service on one of the Village’s Commissions, Committees or Boards.

  • Yellow Springs Board Of Education Meeting

    Yellow Springs Board Of Education Meeting for Thursday, June 17, 2010

  • Board to discuss financial state of schools

    The community is invited to attend an open meeting discussing the 2010 education plan and the current financial state of the Yellow Springs public schools.

  • McGregor name change announced

    Michael Fishbein was officially inaugurated on Saturday, June 12, as the president of the school formerly known as Antioch University McGregor, now Antioch University Midwest.

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