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  • College gets stimulus funds

    Antioch College recently announced that it received federal stimulus funds to retrofit the Glen Helen building, above, for energy efficiency.

    Antioch College announced on Friday, June 11, that it was one of 13 Ohio institutions of higher education to receive federal stimulus funds for energy efficiency projects.

  • Spend a night in an historic grain mill

    Back in 2004, the Miami Township Trustees envisioned the ideal way to save the historic but decrepit Grinnell Mill. They hoped to restore it to its original design and use it as a bed and breakfast that could serve locals as well as attract visitors from afar. The vision wasn’t far off.

  • Coffee with the College

    Antioch College staff members chatted with community members yesterday at the monthly, "Coffee with the College" discussions. Topics ranged from the College's president search to the upcoming reunion to the new curriculum plan. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    To keep the community updated on the progress of Antioch College’s re-opening, the college has organized an informal monthly discussion, held every second Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m. at the Emporium. Community members can bring their questions, while Antioch provides the coffee.

  • WYSO cleans up at AP awards

    Local public radio station WYSO racked up ten awards, more than any other public radio station in the state, at the Ohio Associated Press Broadcasters 2010 luncheon in Columbus on Sunday, June 6.

  • Affordable Housing Expert Promotes Land Trust Model

    National affordable housing leader John Emmeus Davis of Burlington, Vermont with Marianne MacQueen of Yellow Springs Home, Inc., who partnered with the Village of Yellow Springs to bring Davis to town. Davis discussed affordable housing issues with a small group of citizens on Monday morning. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    John Emmeus Davis of the Champlain Housing Trust in Burlington, Vermont met with a group of community members Monday morning to promote community land trusts as a way to acheive affordable housing in Yellow Springs.

  • Get out and respect the food

    I love Tom’s Market as an everyday last minute stop where I know I can find such items as brined grape leaves, fresh mozzarella and tomatillos. But sometimes you have to, dare I say it, leave the village.

  • Cosey takes fifth at state

    Chris Johnson was one of four members of the YSHS track team competed in the state championships at The Ohio State University on Saturday, June 5. He is shown here doing a leg kick in preparation for the 4x200 relay.

    Four members of the Yellow Springs High School track team competed in the Division III state championships at The Ohio State University on Saturday, June 5. Mario Cosey, who ran in the 100-meter dash, was also joined by Josh Meadows, Logan Norris-Sayres and Chris Johnson in the 4×200-meter relay.

  • Sixth Graders at Mills Lawn Applauded By Peers

    Graduating sixth graders marched through the halls of Mills Lawn on Friday to cheering and wild applause on their last day of school. Students and teachers from other grades lined the halls to celebrate the proud students on their accomplishment, with high fives exchanged along the way. A group of pleased parents snapped photos of […]

  • Memorial for Jeanne Adams Beauman

    The family of Jeanne Adams Beauman invites friends to celebrate the life of Jeanne on Saturday, June 5, 2 p.m. at the Presbyterian Church in Clifton.

  • Floyd E. Merritt

    Floyd E. “Catfish” Merritt of Xenia died Sunday, May 30, in his residence surrounded by family. He was 70.

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