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  • Ordinance #2010-24 Public Hearing

    A Public Hearing of Resolution #2010-24, the 2011 Tax Budget for the Village of Yellow Springs, will be held July 19 during the regular Council Meeting.

  • Public Meetings

    for the week of July 8-15

  • Street Repaving

    Notice is hereby given that, within the next two weeks, work will commence on the annual re-paving program in the Village of Yellow Springs. The work will consist of milling at least two inches of the existing surface and repaving with new asphalt.

  • Planning Commission Meeting

    Planning Commission Meeting for Monday, July 12, 2010 has been CANCELED.

  • Board of Zoning Appeals: Public Hearing

    Notice is hereby given that Yellow Springs Home, Inc. has requested a variance from the lot density requirement in order to remodel an existing accessory structure on their property at 1227 Xenia Ave. to include a studio apartment.

  • Ordinance 2010-11: Establishing an Energy Board

    WHEREAS, the Electric System Task Force (ESTF) was commissioned by the Village Council of Yellow Springs to provide information regarding the condition of its electric system and to assist the Village Council to understand and address issues of electric power usage in the Village…

  • Musicians band together for Skate Music Fest

    Skate Music Fest, an annual event that features live music and benefits the skate park, will be held Sunday, July 11, 3–8 p.m.

  • Liar’s contest winners serve up a bunch of ‘bull’

    At the second annual Big Bull Shake Liar’s Contest on July 4, contestants competed to see who could spin the biggest yarn.

  • BLOG — The ranch dressing challenge

    Lauren Heaton

    I’m not a mom, but I am a step-mom. I’m a step-mom who likes to cook all manner of new and surprising dishes and try them out on my captive consumers. Well, actually they wouldn’t eat it any other way.

  • A festive 4th of July

    Spectators check out a vintage motorcycle as it drives through town during the annual 4th of July parade. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Villagers and visitors alike lined Xenia avenue on Sunday afternoon for the annual 4th of July parade. A steady stream of antique cars, patriotic musicians, youth groups, community organizations, police cars and firetrucks came through downown. Children scattered through the streets in pursuit of candy, and water gun-toting teens drenched onlookers. See more photos of the holiday’s festivities in the upcoming print edition of the News.

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