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  • All You Need is Love

    Yellow Springers participated in Sufi dancing before the YSKP show this Saturday.

  • Rainy relief and a rainbow

    The Union School House is one of several historic school buildings in Yellow Springs, which will be explored on a walking tour guided by YS Heritage on Aug. 27. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    A string of evening thunderstorms brought Yellow Springs relief from the recent spell of humid, hot weather and dry conditions on Thursday. They also produced a brilliant rainbow which arched high above the community.

  • Puppets, Persian poetry, and change

    In its 16th year, YS Kids Playhouse continues to produce innovative youth theater for adults and children alike. Its latest musical, The Conference of Birds, explores themes of transformation and self-realization through a 12th-century desert fable.

  • Green towns offer new ideas

    As sustainability gains ground as an integral component of city planning, many municipalities across the country are creating ways to use less energy and ensure that the energy they use comes from renewable sources.

  • New Energy Board created

    At their July 6 meeting, Village Council members unanimously approved the establishment of a Village Energy Board, an ongoing citizen volunteer group with a charge to work with Village staff to help reduce the Village’s carbon footprint in a variety of ways.

  • Arts group new home work of art

    Even artists can disagree about what, exactly, constitutes art, but the leaders of the Yellow Springs Arts Council are unified on this: the organization’s new space at Alan Macbeth’s Oten Gallery fits the description, and the space also offers the group a wealth of new opportunities.

  • ’Dogs welcomed by Wayne Wahoos

    The Yellow Springs Sea Dogs swam at two away meets this past week. On June 29, the Sea Dogs held their own against the Wayne Wahoos. On July 1, the Sea Dogs traveled to the home of the Clinton County Barracudas.

  • YS Youth Baseball

    The Indians continue to lead the 2010 Minor League with an undefeated record of 6–0 after a shortened week of play due to the July 4th holiday. They won their sixth straight game on Monday, June 28, in a 10–6 defeat of the Reds.

  • Basketball camp to start

    The Bulldog basketball program will hold a youth camp for boys and girls, ages 6 and up, July 14–17 at the Bryan Center outdoor courts. Camp brochures with registration information are available at the Yellow Springs school board office, local businesses and at .

  • Mitzi Manny memorial

    A memorial celebration of the life of Mildred “Mitzi” Manny and her passion for music, art and books will be held Sunday, July 25, 2 p.m. in the Glen Helen Building. Mitzi, who most recently lived in the independent-living homes of Friends Care Community, died June 24 of cancer at the age of 91.

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