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  • Joan G. Ranson

    Joan G. Ranson, a former Yellow Springs resident, died Tuesday, Oct. 12 in Mason, Ohio, from chronic respiratory illness. Joan was born Sept. 22, 1945, in Chicago to Stephen W. and Claire Dobson Ranson.

  • Bulldog Sports Round-up

    With two thrilling overtime victories in the first rounds of tournament play, the boys varsity soccer team advanced to the division three district championship game for the fourth year in a row.

  • Village Commission Vacancy

    The Council of the Village of Yellow Springs invites Citizens to Apply for Service on one of the Village’s Commissions, Committees or Boards. Currently Openings are Available for: Board of Zoning Appeals

  • Public Meetings

    for the week of October 28–November 4

  • Village Council Meeting Agenda

    Monday, Nov. 1, 2010, 7:00 p.m.

  • Board of Education Work Session

    YELLOW SPRINGS BOARD OF EDUCATION Work Session for Saturday, October 30th

  • Film chronicles small town’s first integrated prom

    The Little Art Theatre will offer a second free screening of Prom Night in Mississippi on Saturday, Oct. 30, at 4 p.m. The documentary, shot in 2008, follows a group of high school seniors preparing for their first racially-integrated prom.

  • Governor’s energy advisor promotes renewables at local forum

    Dr. Mark Shanahan told a local audience at the Glen building that Ohio's emissions from coal were among the worst in the nation yet the state has recently been aggressive in promoting renewables. (Photo by Megan Bachman)

    Last Friday, Governor Ted Strickland’s energy advisor Dr. Mark Shanahan told a crowd of renewable energy enthusiasts at the Glen building that Ohio was undergoing an energy revolution.

  • VIDEO – Thrill Yellow Springs and the world

    On Saturday, Oct. 23, area zombies descended on the Bryan Center gym to dance to Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” at the same time that thousands danced it all over the world. “Thrill The World” is an annual worldwide simultaneous dance of “Thriller.”

  • Qigong in Yellow Springs

    The Senior Center hosts regular sessions of Qigong, the Chinese art of energy manipulation.

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